Lucky Guy

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Back at the castle, Dream was pacing the halls, his frustration evident. He had put everyone in a dream state, but Travis had managed to escape too quickly. Paul appeared beside him, sensing his rising anger, and stood a few feet away, awaiting his next order.

"I want you to transport the other women, apart from Grace, to some random place. I don't want them interrupting my time with her," Dream commanded, his voice seething with possessiveness.

Paul nodded silently, disappearing into thin air. Dream smirked, his anticipation growing, as he stood in front of Grace's locked door. As he reached for the doorknob, a powerful surge of electricity shocked him, causing him to recoil in pain and anger. He stared at the door, his eyes burning with fury, and unleashed a frustrated scream.

"Damn it!"

Meanwhile, Travis found himself seated next to the captivating milf lady, Morgan. Her cascading blonde hair and sorrowful eyes intrigued him, and he couldn't help but feel drawn to her. She was the wife of a warrior who had left for a raid, and now she sought solace in wine at a local bar. But with Travis by her side, she yearned for something more meaningful.

"Answer me this, why are you here? You're either new or lost, I haven't seen you around," Morgan asked, taking a sip of her crimson wine.

"I guess you could say I'm lost. But before I answer, how about you satisfy my curiosity?" he replied, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. His eyes sparkled with interest, unable to resist the allure of her beauty.

"Well, I'm just a young lady seeking an escape. Shall we leave this place? I feel like catching a breath of fresh air," she proposed. Travis finished his drink, paid the bartender, and agreed with a nod.

They stepped out of the bar, Travis following closely behind since he was unfamiliar with the area. Morgan walked with a confident stride, receiving warm greetings from the townsfolk. They strolled until they reached a scenic open area, the heart of the town, adorned with a grand statue of a hero from ages past.

"Ahh, that was a delightful walk. Now, stranger, how did you stumble upon this hidden gem? It's not even on the map," Morgan inquired, finding a seat on a nearby bench. Travis joined her, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any familiar signs, but to no avail.

"To be honest, I'm not entirely sure. One moment I was in the Overland Kingdom, the next I found myself here," Travis answered, leaving her astonished.

"What! The Overland Kingdom? That's miles away from here. You're fortunate to have found someone who has ventured beyond this town; otherwise, you'd be trapped here indefinitely. Let's head back to my place. You can continue your journey tomorrow morning; it's too dangerous to travel at night," she advised.

Travis accepted her advice, and together they made their way to her house, situated on the outskirts of town. The house stood alone, surrounded by vast empty land, belonging to Morgan and her husband. He had purchased it after returning from a trip to the capital, where the royal family resided.

They entered through the gates and entered the unlocked front door. Morgan turned on the lights and removed her shoes, setting an example for Travis, who didn't wish to disrespect his gracious host.

"By the way, I'm Morgan. And you?" she inquired, leading him to the cozy living room. Travis settled onto one of the plush couches.

"I'm Travis, and it's a pleasure to meet such a kind-hearted woman like you. I consider myself lucky," he said, his voice soothing and genuine, bringing a smile to Morgan's face.

"Wow, you certainly have a way with words. Any woman would be thrilled to have a man like you," she remarked, an alluring smile playing on her lips. Travis shrugged casually and responded, "So you're saying you're happy?"

Her laughter filled the room as she closed the gap between them, her hand finding its place on his chest.

"I will be, once I have you," she whispered seductively, initiating a passionate kiss. What began as a gentle touch of lips soon intensified into a fiery exchange of desire. Travis held her curvaceous figure, his grip firm yet tender, igniting a deep longing within her. As her body responded to his touch, her mind lost in the euphoria, Travis restrained his own desires, careful not to let their night end too quickly. He trusted Grace to handle herself, knowing that Dream, though wicked, wouldn't harm her while she was unconscious. He may be villainous, but he still had limits.

Elsewhere, Laura sat in a cafe with Sylvia, seeking some privacy to discuss matters of utmost importance. Upon recognizing the powerful queens, the store manager promptly asked all other patrons to leave, leaving them free to converse without prying ears.

[ Pic Of Sylvia]

"For the third time, yes, Travis, the young man who defeated your son in the tournament, now has a harem of princesses fighting for his affection. And many strong women in this world are captivated by him, including me," Laura repeated, her voice tinged with resignation.

Sylvia's mind whirled with thoughts, comprehending the implications of her son's broken engagement and his newfound love. She knew the wedding had to be called off, for love could not be forced. And it seemed that Laura had no intention of reconsidering.

"I need some time alone to process everything. Otherwise, I fear I may lose my sanity," Sylvia whispered to herself, caving into her overwhelming emotions. In an instant, she vanished from sight, leaving the cafe staff in awe.

"The day two queens graced my humble cafe. How fortunate I am to have captured a picture," the manager mused, a satisfied smile spreading across his face.

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