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He didn't even need to think about the answer, like any other normal guy he could never refuse such a opportunity. She pulled him into a kiss and started to suck on his touge, she held the back of his head as they kissed passionately. He broke the kiss and stared in her eyes.

" That's a done deal right" He said as he got up from the ground. Laura nodded and stood up as she took his hand.

" Yes Mr Constructor. Why don't we have fun outside, I know a good place where we can hang. It's my favorite place , no one other than Grace knows about this area, well she probably forgot because I used to bring her there when she was a child" she said.

Travis nodded and they both walked outside on the balcony and vanished.

They appeared in an open area around the mountains. He looked around and saw the beautiful landscape which was breathtaking. The tall grass fields which were waist tall made the scenery look magical. Laura pulled Travis's hand getting his attention.

" Let's go over to that hill over there, there's a beautiful surprise there." She said and started to jog over to the hill. Travis followed her they got to the top. He saw the breathtaking view of the whole capital from where they were. Laura smiled when seeing his reaction.

" Beautiful isn't it. I found this place when wandering around during my pregnancy, I was really into exploring for some reason during that time."  She said with a sweet smile. She held his arm and cuddled close to him.

They sat down on the edge and kept gazing at the scenery.  While they were doing this Michael arrived at the castle. He entered his bedroom and looked at the empty room. He looked inside the bathroom and the closet.

"She must be out. I should try to sense her aura " He the did so, Laura's aura was masked all the time but he felt Travis's aura which he left open on purpose. What most people don't know is that Travis loves problems, only when it's boring.

" Whats that boy doing in the woods at this time. I should visit him and ask him personally what he wants with my wife" He said with a smirk.

Michelle vanished and appeared behind Travis and Laura. What he saw made his blood boil , he felt his heart burn in pain. His whole face was turned red from the anger he felt.

" Laura what is this?" He asked calmly.

Laura frowned and turned back at him.
" Michael did I not tell you to leave me alone?" She asked coldly , Laura stood up and faced him  with a blank expression. Her brown eyes glowed in the dark night as he stared at him coldly. Travis also got up and smirked as he saw Michael tremble in fear.

" Yes you did, but as you..your hus..band I have the r...ight to ask my da.. da.. darling wife what she's doing with a ma.. man when she happily married" He answered while stuttering mid sentence.  This made Laura snicker loudly and slowly smirk.

" Happily Married, those words aren't in my vocabulary. Well they are but they don't go together.  " She said while Chuckling a bit. Michael looked at Travis who was smirking from ear to ear, he was fuming under his submissive expression.

" Why don't we just talk like reasonable people Laura, you know how we used to share those happy moments before and Grace our wonderful daught-" He was stopped by Laura who was now holding his throat.

" Don't you ever say anything about my daughter. When's the last time you even saw her? You're a failure as a father and a husband. Now leave before I kill you this second" She said coldly. Michael nodded hurriedly without hesitation. When she let him go he dissappeared.

She dusted her hands and turned to Travis with a now sweet smile.

" Let's continue our nice night out together my dear son/Potential man" She said. Travis chuckled and pulled her to him.

" Yeah let's do that. How about we vibe to some romantic tunes while we're at it" He said as he took out a Bluetooth speaker out of his inventory played some nice 80s love songs.

" Mhmmm you know how to set a romantic mood Travis. That's another reason for me to like you" She said while rubbing his cock which was in her pants.

After that they sat together and cuddled each other while they gazed at the beautiful capital city. They soon slept , yet somehow they didn't fall, the romantic energy coming from the scene kept them from plummeting to the ground. They wouldn't die but it would be annoying to wake up during the fall.

They woke up the next morning from the heat from the sun. Travis opened his eyes and looked down and saw Laura sleeping right on top of him.  He didn't feel like getting up so he laid there and watched the sun rise. That's when Laura woke up and yawned.

" That was the best sleep I've had. You might work as my bed as well " She said while giggling.

" I wouldn't mind that either personally " He answered with a laugh. Laura got up and sat up straight when looking at the sun. Travis got up and dusted  off the grass from his clothes.

" Let's go back I'm feeling really hungry right now" Travis said, Laura nodded and they both vanished and appeared in her room. She went into her shower while Travis went back to his room and entered the shower. When he got out he saw Grace standing infront of the door with her back against the wall.

" So how was the night with my mom?" She asked with a smile.

" It was pretty great. We just gazed at the scenery till we fell asleep.  How was your night alone?" He asked which made her frown.

" Travis you better love us equally or I'll fuck you till you die" She said seriously.  Travis laughed and kissed her forehead.

" Who you getting mad with huh?"He said and held her face with and squeezed her cheeks.

" Look how cute you are" He said while playing with her cheeks, Grace had a pout and Travis kept poking her.

' So cute'

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