Racism is not tolerated

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The next day Travis was going on a date with Vena who had planned something for him which he Honestly didn't know what it would be. It's something that would take time getting used to. He was currently standing outside the castle waiting for her to arrive. He was wearing nice drippy clothes that could change the weather focast from sunny to extra drippy with a chance of ice. The author is also baffled by what he just wrote so you're not the only one.

He then heard the gates behind him open and Vena walked out with some drippy clothes as well. It safe to say this Kingdom was going to be flooded anytime soon. She came up to him and hugged his arm with a smile.

" I don't know where we're going but Grace gave me a list of places to avoid. So let's start some place else " She said with a giggle. Well Travis was just following along so he wasn't complaining. They began walking towards the city. The place had many unique houses which many people lived in. There were also many buildings which they assumed as stores by the lines outside.

' Damn they must make peak food in that place ' Travis thought as they walked passed it. They walked on till they reached a nice looking Cafe. Vena checked the name of the place and confirmed that it wasn't on Grace's list.

" This place looks nice , let's go in and see what they have " She said excitedly, Travis nodded and they entered the Cafe. They were instantly met with a beautiful woman who greeted them and took them to their table. This place was fancy for a empty Cafe, most people would line up to get to places like this back at Earth.

" For being our first customers. Everything in here is 50% off. " A person who looked to be the manager came up and said to them with a polite smile.

" Ohh what do think I can't afford the things on your menu. I'm not peasant that's going to except charity, infact I'll buy the whole Cafe right now. He's a check for 1 trillion pounds"

This was a scene which played in Travis's head at the moment. He really felt like a top G in his mind. While he was doing this Vena was busy looking at the menu which she got a minute ago. She checked on Travis infront of her and saw that he now had glasses on for some random reason.

' My Bugatti is worth more than your rent'
He thought to himself.

Vena slowly brought her eyes back to the menu with a what the fuck look on her face. Travis was brought back to reality by the aroma of pancakes. He loved pancakes and he wanted them.

" Can you get me 2 plates of pancakes with some syrup on the side. " Travis said to Vena who nodded happily seeing as he was back to reality.

As the two plates arrived to his table quickly made a prayer and began digging in with no restraint. Vena watched diligently focusing on his every move for no particular reason. When her food arrived Travis took a piece of chicken and gobbled it up in one go. She frowned and was about to take a pancake from his plate, but Travis held her hand as he stared at her with widened eyes.

" No touchy" He said while wiggling his finger left and right. Vena laughed and continued to eat her food with Travis just watching with him also eating.

Like a true alpha Chad he told her no which is something most guys are afraid to tell women these days.

The employees in the Cafe were looking at them with a confused eyes was they wonder what had just happened. They then went back to their job as the Cafe began having other people instead of Travis and Vena. When his plate had been finished he got another but this time he got some  chicken and rice, basic meal yet manages to sooth ones hunger everytime. He began to question if this place was a Cafe or a restaurant when he saw an order of ribs being sent to a table. The scent of ribs had him captivated so he also ordered some. While Vena was still eating her first dish.

A whole 4 hours passed with Travis constantly ordering, he ordered more food then all the other people who came in combined. Travis truly was a giga Chad. After paying Travis walked out that Cafe/restaurant with  a satisfied smile as he saw the place being closed soon after.

" How about we go to do some Karaoke?" She asked.

He nodded and like that Travis was pulled towards the Karaoke where he sat and watched her sing a whole Juice WRLD album. Vena was really emo she just needed to be Goth which Travis would happily except. After she was done Travis came into with some rage, some blood pumping music that could make a person think of terrorism for a slight second or even rethink if Hitler did anything wrong in anyway or say what Griffith did was Justifiable. If this offends you leave a comment.

[ A/N: He did nothing wrong, Griffith that is]

When they were done with Karaoke they went to a bowling alley were Travis tried to strike shit. He did strike and basically won every single time, they even wanted him to go pro but he of course had much important things to do. You can only guess what he told them what he aspired to be. Vena was having a marvelous time with Travis who kept making her laugh with the dumbest things he would.

It said that a person who likes you suddenly thinks of you as a comedian. Every little thing you say is goshdang funny, Travis is sure that what is happening infront of him is the same case because he didn't find anything he had said to be funny. He even made it obvious by just blankly looking at her as she tried to catch her breath.

Well they walked on around the city till they stopped infront of an arcade where Travis went in and proceeded to break every single record while Vena cheered him on from behind, this was the peak of a dudes life. Cute hot girlfriend who supports your dumb goals, truly a dream that most dudes have. 

" how was the date?" He asked as he as they walked back to the castle. Vena was happily skipping by him as a beautiful smile was plastered on her face.

" I loved every single second of it. I wish to to on one again. Maybe we can do this again in my home Kingdom " She said.

" Sure I don't mind. Let's hurry up before they eat Dinner without us" Travis said while he picked up his pace.

" You still have space in that perfect carved gut of yours?" She asked in a shocked expression. He shrugged while Chuckling a bit.

While they were jogging they heard a voice from behind them."  What is a beautiful lady like you doing outside all alone?"

They turned back with frowns on their face.
' What am I that black?'

" I'm not alone you noob. My boyfriends right here so move before i kill you before he does" She said.

The man turned to Travis and said." You telling that Shadow is your boyfriend. Hahaha haha-" he was stopped from laughing by a straight punch to the face completely turning him into particles.

" Racism isn't tolerated on this novel" He said in a deep cool sounding voice making Vena gush in her juices.

' Yeah I know, I'm awesome '

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