Time Skip final

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They stayed together for another couple hours, Travis already turned off the pheromone or these women would've turned into hungry horny monsters that would try to devour him. They left his room and went downstairs to eat some food, Travis was really hungry, even though only a couple hours had passed in the forest. 

They sat together on one table and ate. In his mind Travis was think about the first Arc main story arc. Basically these two ones were just filler. He also has to fight Ryan in one of these days. Well his arc  will start when Lucy comes back. He's not worried anymore since he's gotten alot of progress.

He's sure that when the time comes he'll be stronger or equal to Ryan. He wasn't that worried about that at the moment. Travis checked their lust  meter and everyone's pheromone effect had subsided. Sighing inwardly since he was worried that they'd be drunk in lust for the whole day.

" Travis, why don't we all organize a day where we'll just hangout together?" Grace asked out of the blue.

He glanced at her and wondered why she would ask such a thing. Ever since the tournament all these girls had the habit of spending their days sometimes nights in his room. He didn't complain since they all sat freely while he was there meaning he got to see boobs every second of the day. Plus during the nigh they'd cuddle him in the middle of the bed. He just enjoyed that he could fondle the boobs of the person infront of him at the time.

He wasn't a pervert,he was just your normal everyday guy who has needs. When they finished eating they split. Travis had answered saying" You all  can plan it. I'm just going to come"

He wasn't much of an organizer. He'd even let his wife do all the decorations if  he was ever going to  get married back in his previous world. Travis went up to his room and took yet another shower for some reason.

' Yeah I just want these days to go fast or I'm gonna before the next arcs even starts. Since in these days nothings gonna happen even a little. '


5 months passed.

In these 5 months nothing really big happened except of course the start of their Survival class. It was now close to the end of the second term and Lucy was going to be coming back. Travis is excited to see her again after such a long time, plus he's now confident that ever girl in class liked him.

He now just needed to make the move, and this time he's actually telling the truth. Grace's arc is also close just about a week later after this arc he's gonna go through right now.

Also in these months  he's gotten further and futher away from the guys. Well they technically closed him off but Travis didn't care much about it, it didn't remove there correlation during monster hunts with Serena. They've fought alot of strong monsters, even monsters that were several times strong than them.

Travis woke up like usual, yet again he felt the feeling of someone sleeping on top of him. He knew that Grace had came to his room last night and asked to bunk with him. He agreed like any other guy would do. He got off the bed gently and went to the bathroom where he stared at himself on the mirror for a while since he's gotten stronger Travis could now see the change his change in power. He had gotten 20% of Beeruses template and he's gotten alot more cocky during battle, I mean he has the right if you think about it. He also unlocked the God if destruction ear ring, he didn't put it on right now since he didn't use any of his powers.

Most readers find that annoying but Travis didn't want his journey in this world to end in a couple minutes. For example if he did integrate those powers the first thing that was going to happen was that Travis would alarm the Dark King who shiver at his power and probably commit suicide before he could even kill him.

Also he had new rewards from his missions. Non of them were really good but they were basically hacks he could use during a fight. 
[Geas: Like the original main Characters Geas, Travis can make anyone fall into his mind control. Of he can't use this on people stronger than him.]

[Charm peak: You can basically Charm just about anyone from all levels of strength and power. Just turn this on and you'll be irresistible to the ones who have no resistance. ( People who love you have resistance)]

He used this skill on most of his teachers and it worked, but not really. It did increase their feelings for him but when be turned it off they would all dissappear like nothing. Well Travis wasn't really going to use such skills to make girls like him. If he did this Novel would have already had a sex scene already.

After staring at himself for a while he grew bored and took of his clothes and walked inside the shower. He then saw Grace poking her head from the bathroom door. Since the glass outside was blur while he could see pretty well from inside.

He saw her taking of her clothes and walking towards the shower. She opened the door and smiled as she saw Travis and came up to him and hugged his waist.

"Why don't we shower together. It'll save alot of time"  Well Travis didn't mind.

So that's what they did, Well mostly that was she did. She helped bathe Travis's hair and back. While he only did her back. She kept staring at his cock from time to time, even though she had seen it more often these passed months she still finds it very pleasing to the eye. Well Travis couldn't take his eyes off her ass and tits. Two of the most interesting body parts in his opinion. Depending on the size and shape of both of them of course. Plus Grace was pretty fit, like all the guys they've also gained peak figures , it's just that there's is more feminine like it should be.

She then held his cock suddenly. Travis didn't stop her, she was sitting beside him as she stroked it gently, the soap made good lube, well a minute later Travis was rock hard from just the stroking. Don't judge your boy, it's been a while since he's gotten any sexual action.

She was amazed at how fast his cock had gotten hard, and how big it was now. She continued to stroke it. In the videos the man would ejaculate after being jerked off for a while. Well Travis wasn't going to let that happen. If he's ever going to nut, it's either while he's inside a pussy or while getting head. Either way the girl is gonna drown.

' When's he gonna ejaculate?' Grace wondered.

' Never!!!!!'

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