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After winning many games Travis got bored, so he got and walked out the class, he zero understanding of this school even though he created it. The game was an Open world but he never really explored much of the it since he was busy doing missions. So this was the right time to walk around and get an understanding of the place.

So he started walking in a random direction, while he walked be passed classes where he heard learners being taught. He found a class door that was open so be peeked inside and saw the teacher infront. The class was writing notes down in their books.

' Wow they really serious' Travis thought.

He continued to walk in the hallway. He then saw stares which lead to the second years. He didn't bother going there , if they found him walking around there he would be put into detention.

' Well this trip was boring. Breaktime is about to start so I should quickly go back to class'

When Travis arrived back he sat back down with everyone and watched them play for the remainder of the time.  The bell rang.

" Travis do you know where the cafeteria is?" Azusa asked.

" Yeah I do, it's in the next building."

She then thanked him and left with the girls.

" Hey guys let's go or we might not find any place to sit"

When they arrived at the Cafe they found no one inside yet there were people serving food.

'I guess the first years still don't know much about the school '

The Cafe was just like the classes. It was split into 3 cafes. The firs years ate in the first floor till the third floor where the third years ate.

This helped with alot of things. It reduced school fights and verbal disputes. They ordered burgers and sat by the window. 2 minutes later they brought their food.

" Hey Travis, which girl do you like in class?" Chris asked.

Travis who was sitting on the opposite side of both of them continued to eat while staring at Chris. When he finished he drank some soda.

" Uhh no one. "

Chris frowned and said." What how thou? There's so many hot girls there, wait maybe you like Valentina since you both faught together "

Kevin glared at Travis who smirked and said." Ohh I guess I do like Valentina, she's hella hot" He said in a teasing tone.

Kevin summoned his sword and pointed it at Travis,  who raised his hands" yo I'm joking. I'm not gonna take her away from you" He said.

Kevin sat back down and his sword fell down into the void." Good"

" So you're into Valentina huh. Wow why did you never tell me?" Chris asked.

Kevin didn't answer, he just continued to eat his burger" I guess it's an embarrassing question for him. Well who do... you like Chris?"

" Uh maybe Grace but I don't think she likes me back. Since we got engaged she's never talked to me" He answered.

" Damn Fr? Maybe she just needs sometime to think about it"

" bro it's been a whole 1 and a half years since we got engaged. Yet she still ignores be. Well today in class while we were playing cards she did speak to me a little."

" Well I'll ask one of her friends when I get the time. Or I'll just ask her, then I'll tell you" Travis said.

Chris smiled brightly " For real. Thanks man you're a really good friend"

Everyone had finished eating so they went to the grounds and watched people playing football. When the bell rang they went back to class.

Miss Heather came in with her usual kind smile, she gave everyone a hard cover book which gave Travis flash backs from his previous world.

Heather might was not a capture target in the game yet Travis was gonna do that.Of course not now maybe during his third year. She did however give Chris head. She refused to go futher since he was weaker than she was. Even when he got stronger she didn't want him.  Reason was because Travis wanted to enrage the players. Like Dragons Heather said to love a man who was stronger the she is. Most strong dudes in this world are either married or not really appealing so she has never fallen for anyone.

If Travis had a sex system he'd easily bag her but he didn't wish for that. Class went well this time, nobody had the balls to sleep or not pay attention.

" Today I'm happy you all listened to me. I know my class is really boring but remember I'm here to teach you so please respect that. Remember to finish the home work. Bye-bye " She walked out the class after saying that.

Travis sat back and closed his book. He really hated learning. Looking around he saw that everyone was writing their work in class.

'Wow they did say it was homework not class work. Hahaha haha yeah I'm lonely. '

[ That wasn't funny]

'Bro why you always hating on me'

[ I ain't hating I'm just being honest]

' Well honesty isn't the best policy'

[ Ahhh I'm cringing. Never say that again]

' Don't you have anything to do other than hate on me?'

[ Yeah I got a wife and kids. My life is pretty complete]

'Is your wife bad?'

[ Yeah bro she got a fatty too. Big booba had me turned into a baby]

' Well that's good.'

[ Good luck bro. My kids need me]

Akari slid the door open and walked inside. " Alright class today we'll be inside instead of outside. We're gonna be sharing each other's deepest darkest secrets"

' Ohhh fuck'

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