Fight Time

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The pressure suddenly subsided and they all could move again. Travis held on the desk and pulled himself up. His eyes fell to the white haired woman infront of the class. She wore a black dress, the upper part of the dress *could not* hold her huge breasts. Her beautiful yet cold face *was* showing bit of anger in it. She stared at the whole class and shook her head in disapproval.

" So this is the SSS class? I expected more from the hope of the world

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" So this is the SSS class? I expected more from the hope of the world."

Her tone could have frozen peas from how cold it was. After a whole minute of silence she spoke again.

" Okay moving on, we'll be going outside today. I hope you brought your clothes. If you didn't It won't be an excuse to not participate. " She then walked out the classroom.

' Man she's scary. Not that surprised since it's Samantha Love ' Travis thought.

She's the third strongest SS class hunter in the whole world. She was originally born in the Overland Kingdom but was raised in the Highland Kingdom. From a young age *she's shown* high potential and when she came to the Academy people weren't surprised she awakened the highest talent.

When she found out that they now had a SSS class,  she quickly offered herself to teach them but in that time she was currently in the south side of the planet purging monsters. Today she came back with her jet plane and was kinda excited to meet the class. From a mile away she could sense the little energy they had in their bodies. Even if they had masked it,  she would have been able to sense that.

Angered by this she decided to give them all a little spook. Now that we're all caught up with the process let's move on. The class followed her to the combat grounds. Travis had his clothes in his hand, which somehow didn't surprise anyone since they literally came out of nowhere.

When they arrived they saw her sitting on a fire throne. She sat with her leg on her lap as she stared at them all.

" Okay now,  go change. There's some rooms in the back just don't go into the wrong ones by *accident*"

When changing Travis noticed how everyone in class was quiet since the incident.

' Oh yeah I forgot that I made everyone here get triggered to the words Weak'

Travis had made the characters trigger word be Weak since no one in class likes the feeling of being Weak. This has made then win many battles after their enemies called them weak. Travis in particular also didn't like the word but unlike them he wasn't programmed to go on Demon time when someone called them that. You could say it's their N-word.

' Well this is gonna be fun' he thought.

While everyone was in the changing room Samantha was sitting on her flame throne whilst thinking of something that attracted her interest.

' That guy named Travis, he isn't a person coming from the Hero Party's Bloodline so how could he awaken the SSS talent. Plus out of all them he was the one who possessed the greatest strength. I should focus on him more or I might be raising a bigger threat than the Dark King.'

A couple minutes later everyone returned from the changing rooms. The girls all wore black work out  leggings and different color sports bras. Travis's focus completely fell to the sight of boobs infront of him. The guys were holding their urge to look at their respective crushes boobs. While Travis didn't care infact he openly looked.

The girls didn't do anything, not because they didn't hate Travis looking at them but they were too focused on the threat infront of them which was Samantha.

" Okay today, you all will be sparing together using your awakened weapons. Be careful while using your weapons for they all posses great amounts of power, but none of you can draw that power because you're to weak"

This again turned everyone into destruction machines that hated being called names. Like a 10 year old kid everyone got enraged by that name.

" Ohh *It* seems I've said something hurtful huh. Well good at least you'll all be using your full power when fighting but this is still a spar so don't hurt each other"

She then  got up as the throne dissappeared. " Now I want you to choose your opponent.  Don't *feel discouraged* *if* you lose or be happy *if* you win. You're all team mates so treat each other like one."

Travis looked around and saw Valentina staring at him with rage filled eyes. She also had a menacing smirk on her face that could bring shivers to a person. Valentina walked towards Travis , when she had reached him she looked into his eyes with her head up.

' I guess I'm fighting her. Well let's see if all those years of martial arts training helped'

" Okay now that we're all in groups of two we're gonna start with the *ones* closest to me which is Kevin and Cyrene. Draw your weapons"

A bright light shone as Cyrenes curved sword floated down to her hands. She grasped it hilt and pointed it to Kevin. While under Kevin a purple and black abyss portal opened as his sword slowly rose from the ground. He pulled it out completely and just like Cyrene,  pointed it towards her.

" At least y'all know how to summon your weapons. Now let's begin"

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