5) attacked

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Avery was with Lydia and Jackson parked at the video store as they were trying to decide on a movie. "Hoosiers is not only the best basketball movie ever it is the best sports movie ever made" Jackson said.

"No" Lydia said. "It's got Gene Hackman and Dennis Hopper" Jackson said. "Please anything but the notebook" Avery said.

"No" Lydia said. "Lydia, I swear you're gonna like it" Jackson said. "No" Lydia said. "Honestly I rather watch a sports movie than the notebook" Avery said trying to help Jackson.

"Please for me" Lydia said to Avery and she sighed. "You're lucky you're my best friend" Avery said, and Lydia smiled at her.

"I am not watching the notebook again" Jackson said and Lydia whispered something in his ear. "And it looks like we're watching the notebook again great" Avery said sarcastically and got out of the car with Jackson going in the store.

They had started to look for the movie. "Can somebody help us find the notebook" Jackson asked and no one came.

"Hello, is anybody working here" Jackson asked after a moment. "You gotta be kidding me" Jackson said. 

Avery and Jackson started walking down an aisle when they saw a dead body.

They had backed up and Jackson knocked the ladder down causing a light to fall from the ceiling.

Jackson turned around after he heard a low growling along with Avery who heard the same thing.

They both saw the alpha and quickly hid behind a movie shelf. Jackson started to look when Avery smacked his arm. "What are you doing" Avery whispered.

"Relax" Jackson said and looked and quickly looked away after seeing movement.

Shelves had started to fall, and Jackson and Avery jumped out of the way just in time. The alpha got on top of Jackson as Avery saw.

"No" Avery said, and the alpha had saw Jackson's scratch before looking at Avery who was about to run but he dragged her back down causing her to land on her back.

He had got on top of her so she couldn't get away. "Please, please don't kill me" Avery said and her eyes glowed causing the alpha to back down and howled before rushing out of there.

Jackson had gone over to Avery and checked for any injuries as they looked where the alpha ran off to. 


"Why can't I just go home I'm fine" Jackson said. "I hear ya but the EMT says you hit your head pretty hard they just wanna make sure you don't have a concussion" Noah said.

"What part of I'm fine are you having a problem grasping" Jackson asked. "Okay I wanna go home" Jackson said.

"And I understand that" Noah said. "No, you don't understand which kind of blows my mind since it should be a pretty basic concept to grasp for a minimum wage rent a cop like you okay now I wanna go home" Jackson said.

"Oh, whoa is that a dead body" Avery heard Stiles ask as she was with Lydia making sure she was okay. Noah gave Stiles a look before going to investigate.

"Everybody back up, back up" Noah said. "Starting to get it" Derek asked as he and Scott were on the roof.

"Uh I get that he's killing people, but I don't get why" Scott said. "I mean this isn't standard practice right we don't go out in the middle of the night murdering everyone do we" Scott asked.

"No, we're predators we don't have to be killers" Derek said. "Then why is he a killer" Scott asked. "That's what we're gonna find out" Derek said.

"Hey how come you didn't bring Avery along" Scott asked. "She's a werewolf too" Scott said. "Cause unlike you she trusts me she believes me I don't have to explain myself to her" Derek said.

"Speaking of my sister is that her" Scott asked seeing Avery with Lydia who was too busy checking on Lydia to realize they were here.

"What" Derek said and saw Avery and even though he knew she was a werewolf and that she could heal he still worried that she got hurt.


Back with Avery after Jackson had dropped her off, she had gone to her room and turned on the lights closing the door behind her seeing Derek sat on her bed as she nearly jumped.

"Derek, you scared me" Avery said making her way to him. "Sorry I just I saw you at the crime scene at the movie store and I had to make sure you were okay" Derek said and Avery sat next to him.

"You do remember I'm a werewolf a bitten one in fact I heal" Avery said.

"I know but I still worry" Derek said. "Why" Avery asked. "Your one of the only people who's not giving me a hard time and didn't judge me based on what you've seen you stood up for me which I didn't expect your different" Derek said.

"Good different I'm hoping" Avery said. "Yeah of course in fact it's what I like most about you" Derek said and Avery smiled.

"I'm glad you're okay" Derek said and Avery smiled. "Why afraid you miss your chance to ask me on a date" Avery asked. "Yeah maybe" Derek said, and Avery didn't realize he wasn't joking.

"Well don't worry I'm okay promise" Avery said. "Good now I'll let you rest call me if you need me for anything and I mean anything I don't care what time it is" Derek said.

"Okay I will" Avery said and Derek smiled getting up leaving.


Avery stayed home from school that day due to her mom's request after last night's events. Even after Avery insisted, she was fine Melissa would not budge.

Avery eventually given in and stayed in her room reading for most of the day. She felt a gust of wind and had looked up seeing Derek. "Derek" Avery said and sat up closing her book.

"Hey" Derek said. "Are you okay" Avery asked seeing he was upset. "Yeah, I'm fine just Kate Allison's aunt another hunter paid me a little visit" Derek said sitting beside Avery.

"Are you hurt did she get you" Avery asked. "I promise I'm fine" Derek said. "Okay" Avery said.

"So how come you're not at school" Derek asked. "Mom insisted I stay home after everything that happened last night" Avery said and Derek nodded. "She's just worried" Derek said.

"I know and it's not like I can tell her what I am she freak out the second I tell her and wouldn't look at me for weeks" Avery said and Derek smiled.

"Sometimes it's best they don't know" Derek said. "Yeah, still doesn't mean I have to like it" Avery said. "No, you don't" Derek said.

"Are you sure you're okay" Derek asked. "I know earlier when I stopped by you said you were but" Derek said.

"Yeah, I'm fine I promise stop worrying okay" Avery said. "Can't promise that" Derek said. "Well try" Avery said. "Okay but no promises" Derek said. "Thanks" Avery said.

"You care if I stay a while just until I know the close is clear at my place" Derek asked.

"Stay as long as you want besides, I could use the company" Avery said and Derek smiled. "You know you should smile more and not just around me like I'm the only one who can see it it's a good look on you" Avery said and Derek looked at her amazed by her beauty as his smile had got bigger.

They had spent their entire time talking to each other just enjoying being with each other until Derek had to leave for the night.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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