11) things are never normal

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Avery was asleep while Derek stayed by her side refusing to leave her. Avery suddenly woke up and saw Derek beside her.

"Are you watching me sleep" Avery asked. "Nope" Derek said as he flipped the page to his book. "I just been by your side since you got hurt and I refuse to leave so don't even try" Derek said.

Avery sighed and sat up. "Derek I'm fine" Avery said. "Yeah now" Derek said. "Derek" Avery said, and Derek looked at her.

"Don't Derek me Avery you could've died alright we're supposed to be getting married and you're out there risking your life" Derek said.

"Oh, don't you start that you risk your life every day too" Avery said and Derek stayed silent knowing she was right. "We should've left Beacon Hills" Derek said.

"Yeah probably" Avery said. "Are your powers back yet" Derek asked.

Avery focused on the trashcan and chanted causing it to go on fire before she quickly out it out with her magic. "Looks like it" Avery said.


Avery was laid on Derek's lap while he played with her hair as she thought things over.

"Derek" Avery said. "Yeah" Derek said. "Thanks for saving me" Avery said.

"Hey, no need to thank me you're my girl I'll always have you alright even when you drive me absolutely insane" Derek said causing Avery to laugh.

"I sure love that laugh" Derek said and Avery smiled at him. "And that smile" Derek said. "Shut up" Avery said and Derek smiled.


Derek laid beside Avery breathing heavily. "So instead of helping everyone with Theo we are having sex" Avery said.

"Hey, you were pretty injured back there you had to sit and heal your wound was taking longer to heal" Derek said.

"Try not to be mad at Scott he didn't know okay Stiles may have had a feeling but" Avery said when Derek interrupted. "I know and I'll try but that's the best I can do" Derek said.

"Works for me" Avery said and Derek smiled. "Will our lives ever be normal" Avery asked after a moment once she laid on Derek's chest. "Afraid not" Derek said as he put his arm around her.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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