5) A novel approach

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"Scott" Stiles said over the phone. "Stiles someone's taking the bodies" Scott said and there was a moment of silence. "Stiles you there" Scott asked.

"Yeah, um where, what are you talking about" Stiles asked.

"I'm at the animal clinic with Kira and Avery, Tracy's body is gone the lock on the door was broken from the outside and my mom just told me Lucas's body went missing from the morgue they've been searching the whole hospital for it someone's stealing the bodies" Scott said.


"The dread doctors by T.R Mccammon" Lydia said looking at the book. "Dread doctors well I guess if you want a creepy name" Avery said.

Avery and Malia noticed Lydia's facial expression. "What" Malia said.

"I don't know there's something about it" Lydia said. "Has anyone actually read it yet" Lydia asked. "Just me and I didn't understand any of it" Malia said. "We should probably all read it" Lydia said.

"Kira's working on that" Avery said and they reached Malia's locker.

"Anything else we should know about the creepy book" Avery asked. "Stiles says he can't find anything on the author he thinks it's a pen name" Malia said.

"In a small, New England town teenagers are taken in the night and buried alive days later they emerge transformed, wreaking havoc and spreading a terror commanded by an ancient order of parascientists known only as the dread doctors sounds vaguely familiar" Lydia said.

"How does it end" Lydia asked. "It doesn't" Malia said. "What do you mean it doesn't" Avery asked.

"This is supposed to be volume one" Malia said. "Oh, let me guess there is no volume two" Lydia said. "I think we're living volume two" Malia said.

"Then maybe the real question is, is this a novel or someone's prediction" Lydia asked.


Malia and Avery turned to Lydia who was reading the book in class, and they heard her heart beating fast. "Why is your heart beating so fast" Malia asked. 

"It's a little distracting" Avery said. "Look at this, look at the acknowledgments page" Lydia said showing them. "For providing scientific perspective and invaluable insight" Malia said.

"This book is dedicated to Dr Gabriel Valack" Avery said finishing for Malia.

"Oh, great so we're going to Eichen yay now I have to try to convince my fiancée to stay home while I put myself in danger again yay" Avery said sarcastically.


"You're going to Eichen are you kidding me Avery you were just cut by a Kanima you're lucky you're a werewolf or you wouldn't have healed" Derek said.

"Derek I'll be okay and besides I'm also a witch remember" Avery said. "I'm going with" Derek said.

"Derek no I won't be able to focus if you go, please, you nearly died last time trying to help us just stay home please" Avery said.

"You can't expect me to sit here and do nothing while you go into immediate danger no I'm going" Derek said. "Derek" Avery said while Derek grabbed his keys.

"Let's go" Derek said and Avery sighed before following him.


Lydia pushed the button on the intercom as they were all trying to get inside. "Hello anyone there" Lydia asked. "Are you going to be okay in there" Scott asked Stiles.

"Yeah" Stiles told Scott. "Why" Stiles asked him. "You just seem a little off" Scott said. "I think we're all a little off maybe some of us more than others" Stiles said.

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