12) Master Plan

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Someone had tossed Stiles in the basement with Avery, Erica, and Boyd as they saw.

Stiles turned on the light once he had gotten up from the floor when he heard noises.

Stiles looked and saw Boyd, Erica, and Avery with tape on their mouth along with their hands tied above their head.


Erica and Avery tried to warn Stiles, but he didn't listen as he tried to get them lose getting shocked himself.

"They were trying to warn you it's electrified" Gerard said coming down making his presence known. "What are you doing with them" Stiles asked.

"At the moment just keeping them comfortable there's no point in torturing them they won't give Derek up the instinct to protect their alpha's too strong" Gerard said.

"Okay so what are you doing with me" Stiles asked.

"Because Scott can find me alright, and he can find Avery he knows our scent mine is pungent you know it's more like a stench he could find me even if I was buried at the bottom of a sewer covered in fecal matter and urine" Stiles said.

"You have a knack for creating a vivid picture Mr. Stilinski let me paint one of my own Scott McCall finds his best friend bloodied and beaten to a pulp" Gerard said getting closer to Stiles.

"How does that sound" Gerard asked. "I think I might prefer more of a still life or landscape you know" Stiles said.

"What, what are you 90" Stiles asked. "Look I can probably kick your butt up and down this room" Stiles said before Gerard smacked him down to the ground.

Gerard had gone to Stiles holding him by the collar of his shirt.

"Okay wait, wait, wait okay wait, wait" Stiles said and Gerard started punching him as Avery, Erica, and Boyd couldn't do anything but watch.


"What is this" Scott asked Derek as he saw Peter was alive. "You know I thought the same thing when I saw you talking to Gerard at the sheriff's station" Derek said.

"Okay hold on he, he threatened to kill my mom and I had to get close to him" Scott said.

"What was I supposed to do" Scott asked. "I'm gonna go with Scott on this one" Peter said.

"Have you seen his mom" Peter asked. "She's gorgeous" Peter said. "Shut up" Scott and Derek told Peter. "Who is he" Issac asked.

"That's Peter, Derek's uncle little while back he tried to kill us all and then we set him on fire and Derek slashed his throat" Scott said.

"Hi" Peter said and waved. "That's good to know" Issac said. "How is he alive" Scott asked.

"Look the short version is he knows how to stop Jackson and maybe how to save him" Derek said. "Well, that's very helpful except Jackson's dead" Issac said.

"What" Derek said. "Yeah, Jackson's dead it just happened in the field" Scott said. "Okay why is no one taking this as good news" Issac asked noticing the facial expressions.

"Because if Jackson is dead, it didn't just happen Gerard wanted it to happen" Peter said. "But why" Derek asked.

"Well, that's exactly what we need to figure out and something tells me the window of opportunity is closing quickly" Peter said.


Scott, Derek, Peter, and Issac arrived back at the old Hale house when Scott got a message.

"Oh, oh they found Stiles" Scott said out of relief once he saw the message and made his way to Derek, Peter, and Issac.

"Hey, have you seen Avery" Scott asked Derek. "She told me she was going to talk to Erica and Boyd, I haven't seen her since I'm getting worried" Derek said.

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