14) theories

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Scott, Stiles, Avery, and Kira made their way to Noah and saw the bodies being wheeled away.

"Who found them" Stiles asked. "Argent and he said the doctors were down there he also said you guys might know what this thing is" Noah said.

"We've got a theory" Scott said. "It's a slightly terrifying theory" Stiles said. "Slightly try absolutely terrifying" Avery told Stiles.

"Well, the ME said that victims were killed somewhere else and then dumped in those tunnels" Noah said. "Hey what if the dread doctors are hiding the bodies" Scott asked.

"Why would they do that" Kira asked. "Maybe they're covering for it protecting it like a parent would" Stiles said. "Protecting what" Noah asked.

"A werewolf" Avery said. "It's called the beast" Kira said. "We know horrifying" Stiles said.

"We better figure out what we're gonna call Parrish because it looks like his dream is coming true" Noah said.


Scott made his way to Avery and Stiles seeing them in the hallway talking to an officer. "You don't think this is a bit much in terms of firepower for a high school" Stiles asked Strauss.

"Your dad's the one that issued us these things and he wouldn't officially say why" Strauss said.

"Did he say anything unofficially" Scott asked. "No but everyone's got a theory" Strauss said.

"Care to tell us yours" Avery asked. "I shouldn't be talking to you guys don't you have class" Strauss said.

"Come on Strauss what's your theory" Stiles asked. "Do you guys believe in the supernatural" Strauss asked causing Scott, Stiles, and Avery to look at each other.


"How was Lydia" Avery asked Stiles. "You sure you wanna know" Stiles said to Hazel.

"She's my best friend well Malia is my best friend, but she is also my best friend I would sacrifice myself for her you know that" Avery said. "I think they're experimenting on her" Stiles said. "What" Avery said.

"Don't worry we're going to get her out of there" Stiles said. "Yeah, I know I just rather make whoever did that to Lydia suffer first" Avery said.

"You are starting to get a little scary" Stiles said. "Awe so sweet" Avery said.


After Malia called Scott and Avery that she found Deaton and explained what happened they both rushed to the animal clinic.

"Deaton" Avery said, and Deaton looked at her and smiled.

Scott and Avery wasted no time and rushed to him hugging him while he hugged them back.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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