16) illuminated

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Avery, Scott, Kira, Lydia, and Stiles were all at the station being questioned by Rafael McCall. "So, when did you get there" Rafael asked Stiles. "At the same time" Stiles said.

"At the same time as who" Rafael asked. "At the same time as me" Scott said.

"And me" Avery said. "By coincidence" Rafael asked. "What do you mean by coincidence" Stiles asked. 

"That's what I'm asking you the three of you arrived at the same time" Rafael said.

"Was that confidence" Rafael asked. "Are you asking me" Scott asked.

"I think he's asking me" Stiles said. "I think he's asking the both of you" Lydia said. "Okay let me answer the questions" Rafael said and Avery looked at him. 

"Let me ask the questions just so I have this completely clear Barrow was hiding in the chemistry closet at the school someone left him a coded message on the blackboard telling him to kill Kira then Barrow took Kira to a power substation and tied her up with the intent of electrocuting her which blacked out the entire town" Rafael said.

"Sounds about right" Stiles said. "How did you know he'd take her to a power station" Rafael asked. 

"Well cause, he was an electrical engineer so where else would he take her" Stiles said. "That's one of a deduction Stiles" Rafael said.

"Yeah, well what can I say I take after my pops he's in law enforcement" Stiles said and Noah started to laugh but quickly covered it up with a cough.

"Stiles just uh answer the man" Noah said. "We made a good guess" Stiles said. "What were the two of you doing" Rafael asked Scott and Kira. "Eating pizza" Scott said.

"Eating sushi" Kira said. "Eating sushi" Scott said. "Eating pizza" Kira said.

"Eating sushi and pizza" Scott and Kira both said. "You believe this" Agent McCall asked Noah. "To be honest I haven't believed a word Stiles said since he learned how to speak but I think these kids found themselves in the right place at the right time and that girl sitting there is very lucky for it" Noah said.

"Kira is that how you remember it" Rafael asked and Avery, Lydia, Stiles, and Scott all looked at her. "Yes" Kira said.

"Could I get my phone back now" Kira asked. "Sorry but no" Rafael said and Avery, Stiles, Scott, Lydia, and Kira left the office. Stiles and Lydia already left the office going home.

Avery saw Rafael heading their way and turned to Scott. "I'll see you at school" Avery said and quickly went outside.


Rafael saw Avery waiting outside and went to her. "Avery" Rafael said, and Avery sighed before facing him. "What do you want" Avery asked.

"We never got a chance to talk I wanted" Rafael said. "Yeah, I know I been avoiding you" Avery said. "Avery I'm your dad you can't avoid me" Rafael said.

"Wow, wow, wow back up now you're my dad you, kidding right" Avery said.

"Avery" Rafael said, and Avery interrupted him. "Let's get one thing clear you're here for Scott not me and don't you dare think I don't remember those lovely words to me you said those many years ago" Avery said and saw Derek pull up.

"My ride's here bye Rafael" Avery said and got in Derek's car.

Derek saw Avery upset and looked at Rafael before focusing back on Avery.

"You okay" Derek asked. "You mind if I stay with you for a little while it's okay if not, I can always stay at Lydia's or maybe Stiles's" Avery said. "No, no it's fine" Derek said.

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