21) the threat

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Argent and Derek were still in the sheriff's station while Stiles recently had escaped from Eichen house.

Avery made her way to the station after getting a call from Noah asking for her help where she discovered Derek recently just got out of.

Avery walked in the sheriff's station and went to Derek. "Okay I never thought I had to say this but please stop getting arrested" Avery said and Derek looked at her. "Avery" Derek said.

"The one and only" Avery said. "What are you doing here" Derek asked her. "Sheriff called" Avery said.

"Sorry but I can't let you walk out with this it's way above the legal voltage limit" Deputy Parrish said.

"I only use it for hunting" Argent said and Derek along with Avery gave him a look.

"Yeah well, I'm pretty sure you could use it to jump start a 747" Parrish said.

"This property belongs to me, and the charges were dropped although I'm not exactly sure who's responsible for that" Argent said.

"I am I'll take care of this Parrish" Noah said. "Sheriff I'm not kidding this thing's a few watts from being a lightsaber" Parrish said and Noah took it. "I said I'll take care of it" Noah said.


"The specialist I saw in LA told me the thing that every doctor says when he's trying to avoid a lawsuit we can't say for sure and then I spoke with Melissa" Noah said.

"These are brain scans my wife's and Stiles" Noah said showing the brain scans. Argent took the scans looking at it with Derek and Avery.

"I knew they were similar but those are the same exactly the same" Noah said.

"And I'm guessing this isn't possible" Derek said. "Not even remotely" Noah said. "So, the trickster is still playing tricks" Argent said.

"Yeah, well I'm sick of his games" Avery said. "But why this trick" Derek asked.

"When I was in the Army an officer told me if you want to defeat your enemy you don't take away their courage you take away their hope" Noah said.

"You don't look like a man who gives up hope easily" Argent said.

"But Stiles might if this thing inside him if it's using his mother's disease as some sort of psychological trick then this isn't just a fight for his body it's also a fight for his mind right" Noah said.

"You know he's left people severely injured" Argent said. "And others severely dead" Derek added.

"That's why I need the three of you I need people who are experienced in this kind of thing I need you to help me stop him" Noah said.

"And by stop him you mean trap him" Argent said. Noah nodded and gave Argent his weapon back. "Well, what are we waiting for let's save Stiles" Avery said.


"This is everything non-lethal I could find" Allison said. "Take all of it" Argent said.

"What's the plan here" Noah asked. "Okay you didn't tell me she was going to be here" Avery told Derek who held Avery's hand leading her to the table.

"You can survive for five minutes" Derek said. "No, I can't five minutes with her is like an hour" Avery said.

"She does know I could kill her if I wanted to right" Allison asked. "I'd love to see you try" Avery said.

"Sounds good to me" Allison said. "And what would Scott think if you killed his sister" Avery asked.

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