4) abomination

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Avery, Erica, and Issac were all training at the train station with Derek while Boyd stayed off to the side. They were all failing miserably as they got knocked down every time.

"Does anyone wanna try not being predictable" Derek asked and Erica jumped on him going to kiss him, but he pushed her off before she could.

"That's the last time you do that" Derek said. "Why because I'm a beta" Erica asked.

"No because I'm with Avery" Derek said. "Nice Avs you gotta teach me how you did that" Erica said and Avery laughed.

"Are we done" Issac asked. "I got about a hundred bones that need a few hours to heal" Issac said.

Derek nodded going to him breaking one of his bones while Avery flinched.

"A hundred and one" Derek said. "You think I'm teaching you how to fight huh" Derek asked. "Look at me I'm teaching you how to survive" Derek said walking away.

"If they wanted us dead, why aren't they coming for us now, what are they waiting for" Issac asked.

"Little weird if you ask me" Avery said. "I don't know but their planning something and you and Avery especially know that's not our only problem whatever that thing is killed Issacs's father I think it killed someone else last night until I find out what it is you all need to learn everything that I know as fast as I can teach you" Derek said.


Avery was in the halls heading to class when Erica saw her and went towards her. "So, tell me, how did you and Derek end up together" Erica asked and Avery laughed.

"Missed you too E" Avery said. "You know you love me" Erica said. "Do I, do I really" Avery asked playfully.

"Oh, come on give me the deets" Erica said. "The deets" Avery asked. "Avery" Erica said.

"Okay fine, fine I don't know it just happened kind of like we were destined to meet like we were made for each other" Avery said.

"Romeo and Juliet like" Erica asked. "Yeah, no not like Romeo and Juliet they die to be with each other we didn't have to die to be together" Avery said.

"Fair point" Erica said. "So, you mind helping me tonight with Stiles" Erica asked. "As long as you don't hurt him" Avery said. "I'll do my best" Erica said. "Good enough" Avery said.


Later that night Avery joined Derek to get information on what he saw at the mechanics, and they brought Stiles to Derek while Avery made her way to Derek and Erica made her way to Avery. "Stiles" Derek said.

"Derek" Stiles said. "What did you see at the mechanics garage" Derek asked.

"Uh several alarming EPA violations that I'm seriously considering reporting " Stiles said before Derek clawed the air out of the basketball. "Let's try that again" Derek said.

"Wow okay yeah that was hot" Avery said, and Stiles looked at her like she was crazy while Derek smirked.

"Alright the thing was pretty slick looking um skin was dark kind of patterned uh I think I actually saw scales" Stiles said. "Is that enough" Stiles asked.

"Okay because I have somebody I really need to talk to" Stiles said and Derek gave him a look while Stiles groaned.

"Alright fine eyes, eyes are um yellowish and slitted has a lot of teeth oh and it's got a tail too" Stiles said and Derek, Erica, and Avery looked up seeing it.

"We good what wait have you seen it" Stiles asked. "You have this look on your faces like you know what exactly I'm talking about" Stiles said going to stand next to them as the creature screeched coming down throwing Erica.

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