6) missing her

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Avery went up to her room seeing Derek already there who climbed in through her window. "Get out" Avery said motioning Derek to leave.

"Avery listen to me" Derek said. "Didn't you hear me" Avery asked. "I said get out" Avery said.

"Avery can't we just talk for a second" Derek asked and Avery closed her door.

"Fine talk" Avery said. "I'm sorry okay I'm sorry" Derek said.

"If you're so sorry then why did you do it huh why did you try to kill my best friend huh the one girl who matters the most to me my soulmate my sister my everything" Avery asked.

"I thought she was the Kanima" Derek said. "So, you were just going to kill her without seeing how it would affect me" Avery asked.

"If anything happens to you, I will lose my mind" Derek said. "Don't you get that" Derek asked.

"Nothing is going to happen to me okay and while I get you were just trying to keep me safe if you kill my best friend, I can't forgive you for that I will not be the same if I lose her I rather I die than her" Avery said.

"Avery" Derek said. "Derek I'm serious okay I can't lose another best friend I won't survive I won't let what happened to Malia happen to Lydia" Avery said.

"Okay fine but if it comes between choosing you or Lydia, I'm choosing you no question" Derek said.


Avery was with Lydia at her place watching a movie when Lydia broke the silence.

"Hey Avs, you okay" Lydia asked. "Yeah, just boyfriend trouble I guess" Avery said. "And when do I get to meet him" Lydia asked.

"You technically already have he was just in one of his moods" Avery said. "Who" Lydia asked.

"Derek, Derek Hale" Avery said. "Wait Derek" Lydia asked. "Hey, he's not all bad he was just being protective or something" Avery said. "Well, I can't judge I dated Jackson" Lydia said.

"You deserve someone way better than that jerk off" Avery said. "Hey he's your friend" Lydia said. "Somewhat" Avery said, and Lydia laughed.

"Who needs a boyfriend when I have you" Lydia said and Avery smiled at Lydia.


Avery went back home when she saw Melissa heading out. "Mom where are you going" Avery asked. "To get your brother from the station" Melissa said.

"Wait what" Avery said. "It's a long story I'll see you when I get back" Melissa said. "Okay be careful" Avery said.

"I will, bye sweetie" Melissa said and left. "I wonder what my idiotic brother did now" Avery said to herself.


Avery was in her room reading when she decided to take a break. She looked on her desk and saw a picture of her and Malia.

She went to it and grabbed it smiling at the picture. "Oh, Malia, I miss you so much I wish you were here" Avery said.

Avery eventually put the picture back down and went back to her reading.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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