15) Amplification

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Scott and Stiles were in Stiles's jeep chasing the beast while Derek and Avery were on his car chasing the beast when Scott and Stiles heard the radio in his car go off.

Stiles grabbed his radio and spoke into it. "All units stay back do not engage I repeat do not engage" Stiles said.

"Stiles get off the radio" Noah said over the radio and Stiles put the radio down. "All unit alert, wait for back up repeat no one goes near this thing" Noah said over the radio.

"Unit five reporting a sighting on Hill Road southbound" Valerie said over the radio.

"Unit nine I've got it turning off Oakridge southbound on Beachwood" the officer said over the radio.

"All units this is dispatch we've got a 911 call with additional sighting on Mitchell" Dispatch said over the radio. "Wait a second Beachwood to Mitchell" Stiles said.

"It's headed back to the hospital" Scott said and Stiles grabbed the radio. "Dad" Stiles said over the radio.

"Stiles get off this channel" Noah said over the radio.

"Dad just listen to me okay it's headed for the hospital alright he's headed for Beacon Memorial you hear me he's headed for the hospital" Stiles said over the radio and put it down. 

Stiles then quickly called Avery. "Hey" Avery said as soon as she answered. "Hey, you and Derek need to meet us at the hospital that's where it's heading" Stiles said.

"Out of all places it chooses a hospital" Avery asked and sighed.

"Alright we'll see you there" Avery said and hung up while Derek started driving to the hospital.

Derek and Avery then looked at each other before Derek focused back on the road. "I've got to get you out of this town" Derek said.

Stiles, Avery, Derek, and Scott made it to the hospital and went inside seeing the hallway was empty.

They heard a noise behind them and turned around to see Noah. "Shh" he said, and they turned back around looking for the beast. They all heard a roar from above them.

"Fourth floor" Derek said and they all went to the fourth floor seeing it was a mess.

Noah kept Scott, and Avery, and Stiles behind him with Derek shielding Avery when they saw Parrish get thrown to a wall.

Noah, Derek, and Avery went to Parrish once his eyes were back to normal. "Parrish you okay" Noah asked. "Deputy" Noah said when he got no answer and Parrish looked at him.

Parrish looked at himself confused and Avery saw Scott and Stiles looking at something. Avery got up and went towards them seeing a footprint.

"Derek you might want to see this" Avery said and Derek went to her seeing the footprint.


"What I'm about to show you isn't supposed to exist" Deaton said.

Deaton pulled out a picture and put it down showing them.

"This is the only surviving evidence of Dr Valack's time as Chief medical officer of Eichen House" Deaton said and put more pictures down.

"To call it human experimentation would be charitable" Deaton said and Scott picked up a picture. "A banshee she died screaming" Deaton said.

"He drilled holes into their heads all of them" Stiles asked.

"That was the experimentation part he did it to werewolves, banshees, wendigos any creature he could get his hands on and Valeck found that trepanation would initially heighten their powers but to levels that couldn't be contained" Deaton said.

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