9) anchor

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Avery was at Derek's with Boyd, Erica, and Isaac and Derek opened a chest. "What is that" Issac asked. "It's a triskele spirals means different things past, present, future, mother, father, child" Boyd said.

"You know what it means to me" Derek asked. "Alpha, beta, omega" Boyd asked. "That's right it's a spiral" Derek said getting up. 

"Reminds us that we call all rise to one or fall to another" Derek said.

"Betas can become alphas but alphas can also fall to betas or even omegas" Derek said. "Like Scott" Issac asked. "Scott's, with us" Derek said. "Really then where is he now" Issac asked. "He's looking for Jackson now relax" Avery told him, and he stayed quiet.

"Don't worry he's not gonna have it easy tonight either none of us will" Derek said grabbing chains out of the chest.

"There's a price you pay for this kind of power you get the ability to heal but tonight you're gonna want to kill anything you can find" Derek said.

"Good thing I had my period last week then" Erica said and Avery smirked at her.

"Well, this one's for you and Avery" Derek said holding up a headgear. "Well, now I really wish I had my anchor right now" Avery said. "You got this Avs" Erica said. "So do you" Avery told Erica.


Derek, Avery, Issac, and Erica were in the train station while they waited for the full moon. "What if we break free" Boyd asked.

"Then you'll do anything to get out of here probably try to kill me then kill each other and kill anything else with a heartbeat" Derek said. "I need you to hold her" Derek told Isaac, Boyd, and Avery referring to Erica and they did.

"So how come Erica and Avery gets to wear the headband" Isaac asked.

"Because they will be able to withstand more pain than the two of you, I got an extra one if you really want it" Derek told him. "I'll pass" Issac said.

"You ready" Derek asked Erica. "Yeah" Erica said, and Derek started tightening it while she screamed.

Soon enough she stopped screaming and Derek went to Avery. "Please try to find your anchor tonight I hate to see you in pain " Derek said and Avery nodded.

Derek put the head band and started tightening it while Avery screamed.


"How do you not feel this" Issac asked as Erica, Boyd, and Avery screamed. "I feel every second of it" Derek said. "Then how do you control it" Issac asked.

"Find an anchor something meaningful to you bind yourself to it keep the human side in control" Derek said.

"What is it for you" Issac asked. "Anger but it doesn't have to be that for everybody" Derek said. "You mean Scott" Issac asked. "Yeah" Derek said finishing up the chains.

"Alright that should do it" Derek said before noticing Erica, Avery, and Boyd.


Derek started fighting off Erica and Boyd and then he realized Issac jumped through a window.

"Issac" Derek yelled, and Avery pinned him down. Not wanting to fight her he saw she was trying to push back.

"Avery find an anchor you can do it I know you can someone or something meaningful find an anchor you can do it I know you can" Derek said and soon enough she did.

Avery got off of Derek and chained Erica back up while Issac came black slamming Boyd on the seat looking at Derek.


After Derek managed to get Boyd, Erica, and Avery, chained back up he chained Issac back to his seat. "I think you and Avery should be okay now looks like you both found an anchor" Derek said.

"Avery" Issac said. "Avery" Derek asked. "I always felt safe with her she was there for me even at times when she couldn't I knew all I had to do was call her" Issac said and Derek went to Avery making sure everything was tight.

"What about you what's yours" Derek asked Avery, referring to her anchor.

"You" Avery said, and Derek looked at her while Avery looked at him and Derek gave Avery a quick kiss smiling before walking out.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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