7) protecting Derek

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It was the next morning and Avery was currently asleep in Derek's shirt when the alarm went off.

She woke up seeing Derek run to the alarm shutting it off and Cora came down hearing the alarm.

"What does it mean" Cora asked referring to the symbol as they both looked.

"It means they're coming, tonight" Derek said. "Well, that's great just great" Avery said sarcastically and sighed. "We can never get a day off" Avery said.


"Good morning as you all know Mr. Harris is still missing; I mean sick anyway I'm filling in while we hope and pray for a more qualified substitute to take my place okay so let's get started shall we" Jennifer said.

"Hey, my dad said that the ER attending wasn't strangled but did die from asphyxiation they just don't know how" Stiles told Scott and Avery.

"Do you think the on-call doctor could still be alive" Scott asked.

"I highly doubt that" Avery said. "I don't know but Scott there's got to be at least 20 other doctors in that hospital at least any one of them could be next" Stiles said and Scott's phone buzzed, and he quickly answered it.

"Hey Doc, sorry I'm in class right now" Scott said. "Can I call you back later" Scott asked.

"Unfortunately, no I honestly thought I might never have to burden you like this but I'm afraid at the moment you're my only hope I'm going to be taken I need you to find me" Deaton said and the line went dead.

"Doc, Doc, Doc what's happening" Scott asked. "Scott what happened, what's wrong" Avery asked.


"Go back to school" Derek said once he saw Boyd and Isaac. "Well actually we can't Boyd and I are incredibly, and unbelievably sick" Isaac said.

"With what brain damage" Derek asked. "Well, I have a migraine and Boyd here has explosive diarrhea" Issac said.

"We're here to protect, you" Boyd said. "You're here to protect me well I'm in trouble then" Derek said approaching them.

"Actually, Boyd here came up with a plan" Issac said. "I thought about the time Gerard had me, Avery and Erica locked up, tied up with electrical wires and pushing current through us" Boyd said and opened the bag.

"I was wondering how we could do something like that" Boyd said and picked up some wires. "On a bigger scale" Boyd said.


Avery was on her way to meet Issac and Boyd at Derek's help protect after making up some excuse to get out of school early.

Avery heard footsteps behind her, and she slowly turned around. Avery came face to face with Kali. "You're the one who killed Erica" Avery said.

"Right, you are and you're the one Derek is in love with" Kali said.

"Take her" Kali told the twins and when Avery went to fight back, they already grabbed her, and Kali left with the twins following her as Avery struggled to get free.


"In a pool of electrified water, it can take up to 50 milliamps to kill a normal human less than the power it takes to turn on a light bulb" Boyd said. "That's comforting" Derek said.

"If we disable the circuit interrupter in the building's electrical room the current will keep coming and anyone who steps foot in here will get a pretty shocking surprise" Boyd said. "Especially someone who's barefoot" Issac said.


"Is this gonna kill em" Isaac asked seeing the electricity flowing around the wires. "I hope so," Boyd said.


"Isn't that light on that supposed to be on" Issac asked. "Yeah" Derek said.

"What does it mean if it's not" Issac asked. "Someone cut the auxiliary power" Derek said. "But what about the main power" Boyd asked and then the power went out.

They all stood up and Derek walked in the trap they set up, but nothing happened. "Derek" Issac said.

"What do we do now" Issac asked. "We fight" Derek said glowing his eyes.


Soon enough the door opened, and Kali came in. "Gotta be honest Derek when Ennis died, I thought to myself I just go for it" Kali said getting closer.

"Find you and kill you wherever you stood then I remembered how you surround yourself with these teenagers hiding behind them and I thought what's a girl gotta do to get you alone" Kali said and the twins came in holding Avery while she looked at Derek struggling to get free.

"You and me Derek or they tear her apart" Kali said.

"What do you say you think you can beat me one on one" Kali asked, and Derek signaled for Isaac and Boyd to step back, and they did.

"I'm gonna rip your throat out with my teeth" Derek said before growling and charging at her.


Kali and Derek continued to fight as Avery was being forced to watch.

"Derek" Avery screamed worried she was going to lose him. She tried to get out of their grip, but it was no use. Derek got up from the ground and continued to fight Kali.

Avery screamed trying to get out of the twins' grip when Isaac was about to go over.

Derek looked at them. "No" Derek said. "Wait" Issac told Boyd.

Derek went back to fighting with Kali. "You wanna hurt him kill me, not him just leave him be kill me" Avery yelled but Kali continued to fight Derek not listening to Avery yelling for her to kill her instead of Derek.


Issac got the text signaling the power was coming back on as Issac ran over holding Avery as the twins got away from her with everyone else falling down.

"Take him" Kali yelled to the twins. They forced Derek's claws out while Kali grabbed Boyd's placing him on Derek's claws.

"No" Avey screamed in tears. "Giving you till the next full moon Derek make the smart choice" Kali said walking away.

Join the pack" she said turning around. "Or next time I'm killing all of you starting with your precious girlfriend" Kali said and then she and the twins left. "No, no, no" Derek said holding onto Boyd.

"It's okay" Boyd said to him. "No, no, no it's not, it's not" Derek said.

"It's okay Derek" Boyd said. "I'm sorry" Derek said. "The full moon that feeling it was worth it" Boyd said.

"Did you know it was a lunar eclipse" Boyd asked. "I always wondered what that would feel like for one of us for a werewolf" Boyd said and dropped to the ground and died.

Avery got out of Issac's arms and ran to Derek hugging him.

Derek slowly wrapped his arms around her hugging her back glad that she didn't die too. "It's okay, it's okay" Avery told Derek while Derek just held onto her afraid to let go. afraid that he will lose her.

Stiles and Cora came in as Cora ran to Boyd. Stiles saw Derek holding onto Avery like he was scared to let go.

Cora cried for Boyd as everyone heard. Lydia came in seeing the scene realizing Boyd was dead.

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Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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