18) power surge

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It was late at night and Scott was asleep when his phone started to ring. Scott woke up and saw it was Stiles calling before answering the phone.

"Hey man what's up" Scott asked. "Stiles" Scott said after Stiles didn't say anything. "Stiles you there" Scott asked after Stiles didn't say anything.

"Scott" Stiles said whispering. "Hey yeah I'm here" Scott said sitting up.

"Are you okay can you hear me" Scott asked. "Scott, I don't know where I am I don't know how I got here I think I was sleepwalking" Stiles said.

"Okay um can you see anything" Scott asked. "Just tell me what you see" Scott said.

"Uh it's dark it's hard to see I think there's something wrong with my" Stiles said before the line disconnected. Scott went to call him when it went to voicemail.

Scott hung up the phone and called him again only for it to go to voicemail again. Suddenly Stiles called Scott and Scott immediately answered.

"Stiles" Scott said as soon as he answered. "Scott, I don't think I can get out of here I can't move" Stiles said.

"Where are you" Scott asked. "I don't know, I don't know it's too dark I can't see much and something's wrong with my leg it's stuck on something and it's I think it's bleeding" Stiles said.

"How bad, Stiles how bad is it Stiles are you there can you hear me" Scott asked.

"Ah there's some kind of smell down here something smells terrible it's brutal my eyes are watering" Stiles said.

"Okay listen I'm calling your dad" Scott said. "Wait no, no, no, no don't" Stiles said.

"But your dad" Scott said. "Don't just please don't call him promise me you won't he already worries about me too much Scott please" Stiles said. "But what if I can't find you" Scott asked.

"Stiles I can't make a promise like that" Scott said. "No, no, no just please, please don't call him come find me you can do it he doesn't have to know Scott, you can find me" Stiles said.

"I don't know if I can do this" Scott said. "Oh, I gotta call you back I have to turn the phone off" Stiles said.

"What no hey wait" Scott said. "I'm gonna call you right back" Stiles said and hung up. "Hold on Stiles wait hold on man" Scott said but saw Stiles hung up.

"Issac, Issac, Avery, get up I need your help Issac, Avery" Scott said and Issac and Avery rushed to Scott's room. "Why what's wrong" Issac asked.

"It's Stiles, get dressed" Scott said. "What's wrong with Stiles" Issac asked. "Is he okay" Avery asked. "I don't know" Scott said.

After rushing to get dressed Scott, Issac, and Avery went to leave but stopped once Scott saw Stiles was calling him. "Hey Stiles" Scott said as soon as he answered the phone.

"Did you call him; did you call my dad" Stiles asked.  "No just Issac and Avery we're coming to find you" Scott said.

"Can you figure out where you are" Scott asked.  "Try to find something and tell us where to look" Scott said. "It's a basement I think I'm in some kind of basement" Stiles said.

"In a house" Scott asked. "No, it looks bigger like industrial I think there's a furnace but it's cold it's freezing down here I gotta turn the, I gotta turn the phone off it's going to die" Stiles said.

"Wait, wait, wait what else is there what do you see" Scott asked. "The phone's dying I can't talk I have to go" Stiles said.

"Stiles why are you whispering" Scott asked.  "Because I think there's someone in here with me" Stiles said and the line disconnected.

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