6) calling the alpha

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Avery was helping Scott with the groceries, and he had looked for the car. "Don't tell me we're lost again" Avery said. "We're not lost" Scott said.

"Sure, seems like it" Avery said. "Just come on" Scott said and they went to another parking lot. They had gone to a car and set the groceries down.

Scott got his keys messing with them looking for the car when the milk rolled away.

"Crap" Scott said going to grab it. The milk rolled back only for it to be clawed at and dripping milk. Avery and Scott looked and heard growling and they both started to run.

Avery and Scott had managed to hide behind a car as they both tried to steady their heartbeat.

Scott got an idea grabbed Avery's hand and they jumped on the cars making the car alarms go off. They had jumped off the cars and went to hide behind a car once again.

Scott's phone had started to ring, and Scott had fumbled looking for it while Avery gave him an annoyed look.

"No, no stop" Scott said referring to his phone. Then out of nowhere Scott and Avery were grabbed from someone and slammed onto top of the car.

Avery saw Derek and was relieved it was him and not the alpha. "You're dead" Derek said.


Avery and Scott had started to follow Derek as he had started to walk away. "What, what was that" Scott asked.

"Said I was gonna teach you I didn't say when" Derek said. "Well at least it wasn't boring" Avery said. "You scared the crap out of me and Avery" Scott said. "Not yet" Derek said.

"Okay but we were fast right" Scott asked. "Not fast enough" Derek said. "But, but; the car alarm thing that was smart right" Scott asked.

"Til your phone rang" Derek said. "Yeah, gotta agree I probably could have made it without you because of your phone" Avery said. "Yeah, but that was I mean" Scott said.

"Would you just stop please" Scott asked and Derek stopped walking and turned around facing the two siblings.

"What happened the other night Stiles' dad getting hurt that was my fault I should have been there to do something I need you to teach me how to control this" Scott said.

"Look I am what I am because of birth you and your sister were bitten teaching someone who was bitten takes time I don't even know if I can teach you" Derek said.

"What do I have to do" Scott asked. "You have to get rid of distractions" Derek said and grabbed Scott's phone showing him the missed call.

"Why am I not surprised it's Allison" Avery said and rolled her eyes. 

"You see this" Derek asked. "This is why I caught you, you want me to teach you get rid of her" Derek said.

"What just because of her family" Scott asked and saw Derek about to throw his phone.

"Wait, wait whoa, whoa" Scott said but Derek already threw his phone breaking it. "You, getting angry" Derek asked.

"That's your first lesson you want to learn how to control this how to shift you do it through anger by tapping into a primal animal rage and you can't do that with her around" Derek said.

"I can get angry" Scott said. "Not angry enough this is the only way that I can teach you" Derek said. "Now can you stay away from her at least until after the full moon" Derek asked.

"If that's what it takes" Scott said. "Do you want to live do you want to protect your friends your sister yes or no" Derek asked.

"Yes, if you can teach me, I can stay away from her" Scott said. "Yeah, right your lucky if you last a day" Avery said. 

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