3) tryouts

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Avery walked over and sat next to Derek just as Braeden put her feet on the table. "That table's Italian" Peter said. "So are these boots" Braeden said.

"Are we going to talk interior designing fashion or are we going to talk numbers" Braeden asked and Avery kept noticing that Derek kept looking at his eyes.

Peter sighed and wrote a number before sliding it to Braeden. Braeden wrote another number down and slid it back.

"We're hiring you to find Kate, not assassinate the president" Peter said. "I was hired by the Calaveras to find Kate; you're hiring me to find her first going against the Calaveras is what's going to cost you" Braeden said.

Peter wrote a number down and slid it to Braeden. Braeden slid it back and Peter got up.

"We'll pay just find Kate that's all we want" Derek told Braeden ripping up the paper.


"Are you insane" Peter asked after closing the door. "We didn't have a choice we spent a week looking for her and came up with nothing" Derek said.

"If we don't find out who told Kate about the vault, we don't get those bonds back" Peter said.

"What do you think I'm gonna do then huh get a job" Peter asked moving closer to Derek.

"My resume is slightly out of date we got robbed Derek robbed" Peter said and went to touch Derek only for Derek to grab him by the arm turning around to face him roaring showing his golden yellow eyes. "Oh, that's a new look for you" Peter said.

"Okay that's it" Avery said and gave Peter an aneurysm using her magic.

"Okay, okay, alright" Peter said and Avery stopped. "You two done now there's a lot more where that came from" Avery said.

"When did you get so good with your magic" Derek asked. "I been practicing but that's not important right now although if you two annoy me again I can do worse" Avery said.

What happened to your eyes" Peter asked Derek. "I don't know but I'm willing to pay to find out" Derek said.

"Let me know what you find out I'm late for school" Avery said and kissed Derek's cheek before leaving.


Lydia and Avery were in math class when Stiles came over with Malia sitting beside Lydia with Avery behind Lydia and Stiles behind Malia.

"School is important and math is essential" Stiles said as soon as he sat down. "To what" Malia asked. "Knowing how much to tip at restaurants" Stiles said. 

Avery shook her head before reaching over and smacking him upside the head. "Ow Avery" Stiles said.

"Be lucky you're dating my best friend, or I could've done worse" Avery said.

"And other less important things like medicine, economics, engineering" Lydia said to Malia. "Tipping" Stiles said. "If you say that again I swear ill" Avery said when Stiles interrupted.

"Okay I'll stop gee you're scary sometimes" Stiles said. "Don't flatter me" Avery said.

"Alright volunteers to the board Lydia, Diego, Malia" Ms. Flemming said. Lydia and Diego went to the board. "Um I didn't volunteer" Malia said.

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