12) code breaker

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Scott eventually caught up with Avery in the woods and saw Avery who was transformed. "Scott" Avery said. "We need to find Derek and quick" Scott said.

"That's what I've been trying to do" Avery said. "What's going on" Avery asked.

"Later first we need to find Derek" Scott said and Avery nodded. They both looked at each other getting the same idea and howled.

They started to back up after not hearing everything Scott started to leave but Avery stayed in her spot refusing to give up. "Come on Derek" Avery said and then Scott stopped once they heard Derek howl.

"Under his house" Avery said and she and Scott both ran to save Derek.


"So, I brought some help, but I need to warn you I used to play in college" the guy said going to hit Derek before Derek grabbed it.

"I brought a little help too" Derek said before knocking him out. "Scott help me with this" Derek said desperately trying to get lose and Avery went to him.

"Avery what are you doing here" Derek asked. "Saving you" Avery said. "You came back for me" Derek asked. "Always" Avery said.

"No Avery stop" Scott said trying to get her to stop but Avery shoved him to the wall. "What" Derek said to Scott. "Not until you tell me how to stop Peter" Scott said.

"As if I care about your stupid hunter girlfriend" Avery said. "You really wanna talk about this right now" Derek asked.

"He's going after Allison and her family he's going to kill them" Scott said.

"So, what" Derek said. "So, tell me how to stop him" Scott said and held Avery back from helping.

"What are you doing let me go" Avery said. "You can't alright now I don't know when Kate's coming back so just get me out of this right now, get me out right now" Derek said trying to get the handcuff off.

"Promise you'll help me" Scott said. "You want me to risk my life for your girlfriend for your stupid little teenage crush that means absolutely nothing you're not in love Scott your 16 years old you're a child" Derek said.

"What about Avery" Scott asked and Derek looked at Avery before he looked back at Scott.

"Peter said he didn't know what he was doing when he killed your sister right, he lied" Scott said. "Remember this" Scott asked showing a picture.

"This is what brought your sister back to Beacon hills right" Scott asked. "Where did you get that" Derek asked.

"My boss told me three months ago someone came into the clinic asking for a copy of this picture do you wanna know who it was Peter's nurse they brought your sister here so that Peter could kill her and become the alpha and that's why your gonna help me" Scott said finally letting Avery go and he turned around.

"Just say you'll help me, and I'll help you unlock your other" Scott said before he heard a handcuff breaking and so did Avery as she stopped in her tracks from going to help Derek. "I'll help you" Derek said.


"Hey, hold on, hold on, hold on something doesn't feel right" Derek said. "What do you mean" Scott asked.

"It feels" Derek started to say but Scott interrupted. "No don't say too easy people say too easy and bad things happen do you think finding you was easy getting away from Allison's dad none of this has been easy" Scott said.

"Fine your right" Derek said. "Thank you" Scott said then an arrow shot Derek.

Avery looked and saw Allison was the one who shot it and saw she was with Kate. "Of course, it's her" Avery said.

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