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Alphas and Darach's

(Episode 1-12)


Braeden dragged Isaac away from the building saving him from the alphas. She stopped and ripped his shirt open seeing his wound and zapped him causing him to wake up.

Issac screamed from the pain. "Quiet" Braeden said trying to keep them from getting caught by the alphas.

Braeden pulled up Isaac and started walking leading him. "Stay with me we're almost there" Braeden said.

"My neck" Issac said. "From their claws it's how they share memories" Braeden said.

"But I don't remember anything" Issac said. "Also, how they steal them" Braeden said and they got on her bike.

"Listen to me no matter what happens you hold on okay you hold on tight" Braeden said and Issac nodded, and Braden drove off.

"I hear something" Issac said and lifted his head up. "Someone's coming" Issac said and looked seeing someone going after them about to use his claws.

"Faster" Issac said, and Braeden went faster. The man caught up some and started to scratch at the motorcycle. "Two of them" Issac said.

The twins caught up to Isaac and Braeden and started scratching at the motorcycle again.

Braeden managed to get away from them. "No" Issac said seeing a wall and Braeden came to a stop and turned the motorcycle around.

"Remember what I said before" Braeden asked. "Hold on" Issac said. "Hold on" Braeden said and begin to drive the motorcycle once again dodging the twins attempt to knock them off.

"Whoa" Issac said when he turned his head back to the road seeing a window with glass.

Issac had gone unconscious and laid his head on Braeden. "Issac stay with me Isaac" Braeden said.

Braeden crashed the motorcycle and they fell off it. Issac looked up and saw Braeden. He turned around and saw the twins. They took off their shirts and morphed into a giant werewolf.

The werewolf growled, and Issac started to crawl away. "Issac" Braeden said, and Issac looked.

"Get down" Braeden said he did while Braeden shot at the werewolf. Issac looked at Braeden once his vision was clear.

"I thought I told you to hold on" Braeden said and Issac just fell on his back.


Paramedics wheeled Issac in the hospital and Melissa saw him and went up to him.

"Hey, wait, wait a minute I know this one" Melissa said.

"What happened Isaac" Melissa asked. "Listen the girl alright she's worse okay" Issac said. "Are you not healing" Melissa asked. "I will" Issac said.

"Will you just please would you just help her please" Issac asked. "Okay can you take him" Melissa asked.

"We gotta move him Melissa" the paramedic said. "Alright take him" Melissa said and went to Braeden. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey" Melissa said.

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