15) Galvanise

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"Get your butt down here we have a job to do" Stiles said on the phone with Scott.

"Dude I'm already in bed" Scott said. "And aren't we getting a little old for this" Scott asked. "We do this for couch" Stiles said.

"I thought we did this to Couch" Scott said. "Whatever okay and bring Avery she isn't answering her phone you know he needs this he lives for this stuff he loves it" Stiles said.

"it's the middle of the night" Scott said. "Which means it's after midnight and officially mischief night/day and by perfectly awesome coincidence it also happens to be couch's birthday so if you are not down here in five seconds, I will destroy you okay and I mean five four three two" Stiles said and turned around seeing red eyes falling down.

Scott came forwards making his presence known no longer glowing his eyes with Avery beside him. "One" Scott said. "I hate you" Stiles said.

"And I hate both of you for waking me up" Avery said.


Scott parked his motorcycle and saw two familiar motorcycles before he got off his bike seeing Ethan and Aiden as he walked to them.

"You're back in school" Scott asked the twins. "No just to talk" Ethan said and Stiles went over to Scott seeing the twins.

"Oh, that's kind of a change of pace for you guys usually you're just hurting maiming and killing" Stiles said "You need a pack we need an alpha" Aiden said.

"Yeah, absolutely not that's hilarious though" Stiles said. "You came to us for help we helped" Aiden said.

"You beat him into a bloody pulp that's not helping in my opinion that's actually counterproductive" Stiles said.

"They're lucky I wasn't there I would have done much worse especially considering they forced me to watch Kali attempt to kill my boyfriend" Avery said coming over.

"Why would I say yes" Scott asked. "We'd add strength we'd make you more powerful there's no reason to say no" Aiden said.

"I can think of one" Issac said coming over. "So can I but I'll let Issac do the honors" Avery said and Isaac smiled.

"Like the two of you holding Derek's claws while Kali impaled Boyd" Isaac said.

"And let's not forget how Kali killed Erica right in front of me" Avery said, and Issac nodded in agreement.

"In fact, I don't know why we're not impaling them right now" Issac said.

Aiden growling glowing his eyes before turning back to normal. "You want to try" Aiden asked.

Avery stepped in front of Isaac extracting her claws glowing her eyes.

Scott pulled Avery back and shook his head. "You really want me to do nothing are you serious" Avery asked. "They're not worth it please" Scott said and Avery sighed. "Fine" Avery said.

"Sorry but they don't trust you and neither do I" Scott said as he left with Stiles and Issac.

Avery waited a moment before kicking Aiden where the sun doesn't shine and tossing him on the ground. Avery smiled before leaving to catch up with Scott and Stiles.


"Alright that's my face" Stiles said after a roll of toilet paper landed on him. "Hey dude good decision buddy good alpha decision" Stiles said.

"I hope so" Scott said. "No, you know so" Stiles said as they reached Stiles's locker. Stiles and Avery noticed Scott looking at something.

They looked to see he was looking at Kira before looking back at him.

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