4) alpha pack

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Avery didn't go to school that day still upset over losing Erica.

She stayed over at Derek's letting her mom know where she was. Derek woke up from beside her leaned over and kissed her cheek.

Derek got up and got changed and went to check on Cora.


Stop you're not done healing" Derek said. "Yeah, well I'm done lying around" Cora said. "Then sit" Derek said.

"Are you gonna help me go after them" Cora asked before trying to fight Derek.

"Come on fight back" Cora said then stopped seeing he wasn't. "I came back for this I can't believe I got my butt thrown in a vault for three months for you all those rumors I heard a powerful new alpha one of the Hales was building a pack" Cora said.

"Do you know how long I wanted to hear something like that do you have any idea how it felt to find out you were alive" Cora asked.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you" Derek told her. "How's your girlfriend" Cora asked. "Avery" Derek asked. "Yeah her I shared a cell with her if you remember" Cora said.

"How is she" Cora asked. "Mourning she lost one of her best friends it's hard on her ever since Malia" Derek said.

"Malia" Cora asked. "Her best friend she died in a car accident" Derek said and the alarm went off causing Avery to run down to Derek and Cora.

"What's that" Cora asked Derek. "Trouble" Derek said.

Ennis came in growling as Cora did the same going towards him as he went towards her. "No wait, wait" Derek said. Avery went to help Cora growling.

"Avery No don't" Derek said but Ennis already slammed both Avery and Cora down.

"Ready for a rematch" Ennis asked looking at Derek. Kali came out and they fought she stuck the pipe in Derek's back when he landed on the ground.

"Everybody done because just listening to that was exhausting" Deucalion said going to Derek. "So, let's chat" he said bending down.


"Sorry about this Derek I asked Kali to be gentle but" Deucalion said. "This is me being gentle" Kali said. "Let, let them go" Derek said referring to Cora and Avery.

Deucalion told Ennis to let them go, and they were about to go to Derek, but he shook his head. "No" Derek said, so they didn't.

"See we're not unreasonable" Deucalion said. What do you want you want to kill me" Derek asked as Avery looked at him in worry.

You really think I'm that boring don't throw me in sociopaths like your uncle I'm a man with far more vision than simple murder in fact" Deucalion said taking of his glasses.

"I'm here to show you just how much vision a blind man can have" Deucalion said glowing his alpha eyes.

"You're killing him" Cora said. "Not yet little sister but I could" Kali said. "Let him go leave him alone" Avery said but was ignored.

"Who knows if it's five minutes or five hours before it's too late to take this thing out but just to be on the safe side Deucalion you might want to get to the point" Kali said.

"Now you see the one problem with being in an alpha pack everybody wants to make the decisions me" Deucalion said.

"I'm more about discovering new talents like you" he said to Derek.

"Not interested" Derek said. "But you haven't even heard my pitch" Deucalion said. "You want me to kill my own pack" Derek said.

"No, I want you to kill one of them do that and I won't have to ask you to kill the others you'll do that on your own I did it, Ennis did it, Kali did" Deucalion said.

"Tell him what it's like Kali to kill one of your own" Deucalion said. "Mm liberating" Kali said.

"Listen to me Derek do you really want to stay beholden to a couple of maladjusted teenagers bound to become a liability and believe me they will become a liability in fact I have a feeling one of them is getting himself into trouble right now" Deucalion said. "Scott" Avery said worried about her brother.

"See the reason I'm always invested in new talent is simple we all know a pack is strongest due to its individual parts the stronger the individual parts the greater the whole when I lost my sight one of my betas assumed I wasn't fit for my role anymore he tried to take it from me" Deucalion said.

"Killing him taught me something about alphas I didn't know they could do his power was added to mine" Deucalion told them.

"I became stronger faster more powerful than I'd ever been I tested this new ability to subsume the power of your own by killing another one in fact Derek, I killed them all I took the individual parts and became a greater individual" Deucalion said.

He pulled on Derek's face feeling him. "You're right Kali he looks like his mother you'll get to know me Derek like she did" Deucalion said.

"I know you I know what you are you're a fanatic" Derek said. "Know me" Deucalion asked.

"You've never seen anything like me I am the alpha of alphas I am the apex of apex predators I am death destroyer of worlds I am the demon wolf" Deucalion said and Kali pulled the pole out of Derek.

Deucalion took off his now broken glasses. "Hate it when that happens" Deucalion said. Derek fell to the ground and Deucalion along with the alpha pack left with Kali helping Deucalion.

Cora and Avery rushed to Derek with Avery holding his hand. Derek saw how worried Avery was and squeezed her hand.

"I'm okay I promise I'm right here with you" Derek said and Avery nodded. "I promise I'm okay everything is going to be fine" Derek told Avery who smiled at him.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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