13) Bardo

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Secrets and spirits

(Episode 13-24)


"Bye mom I'm off to school" Avery said and was about to leave when she saw Rafael.

"Avery" Rafael said. "Rafael" Avery said. "What are you doing here" Avery asked. "I came to see you" Rafael said.

"What all these years weren't enough" Avery asked. "Avery" Rafael said.

"Let's get one thing clear your here for Scott not me and don't you dare think I don't remember those lovely words you said to me those many years ago" Avery said.

"Avery, I didn't mean" Rafael said. "I'm late for school" Avery said and left quickly.


"Derek where are you" Avery asked over the phone after shutting her locker. "This isn't like you I'm worried call me back" Avery said and saw Lydia making her way to her.

"Love you" Avery said and hung up. "Derek" Lydia asked. "Yeah, it's not like him to be gone this long" Avery said.

"Did you try Peter" Lydia asked. "He went with and he's not answering either something's wrong" Avery said. "Hey, don't worry about it I'm sure everything's fine" Lydia said.

"Yeah, I guess you're right I just worry about him a lot" Avery said.

"You're his girlfriend and you love him it's okay to worry" Lydia said and Avery smiled.

Suddenly Allison ran into the school panicked. "Come on we better make sure she's okay" Lydia said.

"I'm not going over there I don't like her and also she tried to kill me" Avery said. "Would you just go for me" Lydia asked. "Sometimes I hate you" Avery said.

"No, you don't" Lydia said and they went to Allison. "Allison are you okay" Lydia asked and she shook her head.

"Cool can I go now" Avery asked. "Come on let's find your brother" Lydia said and Avery groaned.


Stiles noticed Scott freaked out by his shadow and grabbed onto him snapping him out of it.

"Hey, hey you alright" Stiles asked and Scott nodded. "You don't look alright Scott" Stiles said. "I'm okay" Scott said.

"No, you're not it's happening to you too" Stiles said. "You're seeing things aren't you" Stiles asked.

"How'd you know" Scott asked and Lydia, Avery, and Allison came over. "Because it's happening to all three of you" Lydia said.


Lydia, Avery, Stiles, Scott, and Allison had gone in the school. "Well, well look who's no longer the crazy one" Lydia said. "We're not crazy" Allison said. "Oh no" Avery asked.

"Hallucinating sleep paralysis yeah you guys are fine" Lydia said. "We did die and come back to life that's gotta have some side effects right" Scott said and the bell rang.

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