2) shape shifted

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Avery walked into the Hale House looking for Derek. "Derek, Derek you here" Avery asked. She turned around seeing red eyes jumping a little but relaxed when she saw it was just Derek.

"I hate when you do that" Avery said and Derek smiled giving her a quick kiss. 

"Hey, can I ask you something" Derek asked. "Anything" Avery said and when Derek was about to ask Issac ran in.

"Issac" Avery said and noticed his facial expression. "Hold that thought" Avery told Derek who seen Issac's facial expression as well.

"What's wrong" Derek asked Issac. "My dad I think he's dead" Issac said. "What did you do" Derek asked. "That's the thing It wasn't me" Issac said.


Avery was currently at lacrosse practice watching Scott and Stiles while making sure Issac was okay due to the fact, he was still a newly turned werewolf.

When practice started, she saw Scott was goalie and he knocked someone down sniffing them.

Scott did this a few more times till he reached Issac knocking them both down. Then the police showed up taking Isaac.

Avery ran out of school after classes was over as fast as she could with Scott behind her, but she was too late as they drove off with Issac.

"Ave" Scott said. "Hey bro" Avery said. "You knew" Scott asked her. "Well, it's pretty obvious that I knew or else I wouldn't be standing here" Avery said.

"Why didn't you tell me" Scott asked. "Since when am I supposed to tell you every little detail" Avery asked, and Derek pulled up.

"Get in" Derek said and Avery immediately got in the car. "Are you serious you did that, that's your fault" Scott said. "I know that now get in the car and help us" Derek said.

"Us Avery's with you my sister" Scott asked. "You're not my father besides sooner or later you'll have to accept the fact that Derek and I are dating so yes I'm with him I'm always with him even if he does stupid things at times now get in" Avery said.

"No, I've got a better idea I'm gonna call a lawyer because a lawyer might actually have a chance of getting him out before the moon goes up" Scott said.

"Not when they do a real search of the house" Derek said. "What do you mean" Scott asked.

"Whatever Jackson said to the cops what's in the house is worse a lot worse" Derek said and Scott got in the back and then Derek took off.


Avery, Derek, and Scott made it to Issacs's house. "If Isaac didn't kill his father who did" Scott asked. "We don't know yet" Derek said. "Then how do you know he's telling the truth" Scott asked.

"Because I trust my senses and it's a combination of them not just your sense of smell" Derek said.

"You saw the lacrosse thing today" Scott asked. "Yeah" Derek said. "Did it look that bad" Scott asked. "Yeah" Derek said, and they reached to the door of the basement.

"You wanna learn" Derek asked opening the door. "Let's start now" Derek said.

"What's down there" Scott asked. "Motive" Derek said. "And what am I looking for" Scott asked. "Follow your senses" Derek said once Scott reached the basement.

"What happened down here" Scott asked. "The kind of thing that leaves an impression" Derek said and he along with Avery went down to meet Scott at the freezer scaring Scott.

"Open it" Derek said and Scott did as he asked looking at it. "This is why he said yes to you" Scott said looking at the two. "Everyone wants power" Derek said.

"If we help you then you have to stop you can't just go around turning people into werewolves" Scott exclaimed. "Says who you" Avery asked, and Derek smiled at her.

"I can if they're willing" Derek said. "Did you tell Isaac about the Argents about being hunted" Scott asked. "Yes, and he still asked" Derek said.

"Then he's an idiot" Scott said. "You know not everyone thinks that being a werewolf is the worst thing in the world" Avery said. "And you're the idiot dating Argent's daughter" Derek said to Scott and he tensed up.

"Yeah, I know your little secret and if I know" Derek said. "How long do you think it's gonna take for them to find out" Derek asked.

"You saw what happens to an omega with me you learn how to use all of your senses with me you learn control" Derek said grabbing Scott's hand seeing his claws come out.

"Even on a full moon" Derek said. Scott snapped out of it jerking his hand out of Derek's grip.

Derek saw Avery having trouble controlling herself, so he quickly grabbed her hand prepared to leave any minute in case she wolfs out.

"If I'm with you I lose her" Scott said. "You're gonna lose her anyway you know that" Derek said and was about to leave with Avery.  "Wait" Scott said stopping them.

"I'm not part of your pack but I want him out he's my responsibility too" Scott said. "Why because he's one of us" Derek asked. "Because he's innocent" Scott said.


Due to not being able to control herself Avery was left at the Hale House and Derek had her chained as tight as he could so that he could get Isaac hoping she would still be in the same spot.

Avery felt her eyes glowing. "Hurry up Derek" Avery said to herself. Right as she said that Derek rushed in and ran to her. "How did you hear me" Avery asked.

"We were just right outside" Derek said and Issac came in. "It's okay I'm here" Derek said.

"This is going to be a long night I can just feel it already" Avery said. "Well, it's a good thing you have me but next time we should probably find you anchor" Derek said.

"Probably be the best thing" Avery said and Derek smiled.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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