6) he's alive

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Avery managed to get Derek inside his loft holding onto him the best she can so he wouldn't fall.

"Derek I'm not sure about this maybe we should go to a hospital my mom is there she can help" Avery said. "No, no hospital" Derek said.

"Derek you're slipping I'm losing my grip" Avery said and Derek fell on the floor.

Avery rushed to him. "Derek, Derek, Derek" Avery said.


Derek was laying down on the bed and Avery lifted up his shirt seeing his wound gasping at the sight of it. "How bad" Derek asked.

"It probably be best if I don't answer that" Avery said.

Derek, you're not dying are you" Avery asked. "No please don't die you can't die on me please" Avery said and listened to his heartbeat sighing in relief.


Avery was looking out the window when Derek sat up trying to get up as Avery looked.

"I wouldn't do that you're still healing" Avery said going to him. "I have to find the others they think I'm dead" Derek said.

"And we will when you're healed" Avery said. "Avery" Derek said.

"No, Derek no okay I almost lost you I promise you we will tell them, but you have to heal first okay I thought I lost you" Avery said. "Do you have any idea what that was think thinking I lost someone I love screaming for you crying my eyes out" Avery asked.

"You still love me" Derek asked and Avery went closer to him. "Of course, I do" Avery said. "What kind of question is that" Avery asked.

"You shouldn't" Derek said. "And why not" Avery asked. "Everyone around me gets hurt" Derek said. "Erica was not your fault neither was your family there is nothing you could've done if there was you would have done it" Avery said and Derek looked at her.

"I'm not leaving you not now, not ever and I'm never gonna stop loving you" Avery said.

Derek smiled leaned in and kissed her. Avery kissed him back and Derek pulled her to him sitting her on his lap.

Avery smiled at Derek before resuming the kiss. Derek pulled off Avery's shirt tossing it to the ground and started kissing her neck. Suddenly Derek laid Avery on the bed and got on top of her going back to kissing her lips when things got heated.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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