1) Omega

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Act II

Kanimas and war

(Episode 1-12)


Avery and Derek were making out at the old Hale House on the couch when Derek laid her down easily getting on top. "Derek" Avery said between kisses and Derek moved to Avery's neck.

Derek started to mess with Avery's shirt when her phone rang. "Don't answer" Derek said and took off Avery's shirt and Avery's phone continued to ring.

"It could be Lydia; I can tell her to call back" Avery said. "Okay" Derek said, and Avery answered her phone.

"Lydia this isn't the best time" Avery said. "Can I" Avery started to ask but stopped once she realized it wasn't Lydia.

"What" Avery said sitting up. "I'll be right there" Avery said hanging up and faced Derek. "Lydia's missing" Avery said. "Go there will be plenty of chances for our first time go find your best friend" Derek said and Avery put her shirt back on and gave Derek a quick kiss.

"I love you so much" Avery said not realizing what she said putting Derek in shock. "Wait what" Derek said. "I'll see you soon" Avery said. "Wait Avery" Derek tried to say but she already left.


Avery was in the backseat of Stiles's jeep waiting for Stiles to come out of the hospital. Stiles finally managed to come out of the hospital and got in the driver's side handing the gown to Scott.

"This is the one she was just wearing" Scott asked and Stiles nodded. "I'm not gonna let anyone hurt her not again" Scott said.

"Okay neither am I" Avery said. "So can we move on" Avery asked. "I would like to find my best friend please" Avery said.

"Alright just shove the thing in your face and let's find her" Stiles said to Scott and then Allison appeared. "Wow" Stiles said. "What are you doing here" Scott asked.

"Someone's gonna see us" Scott said. "I don't care she's my best friend and we need to find her before they do" Allison said.

"I can find her before the cops can" Scott said. "Hello so can I" Avery said.

"How about before my father does" Allison asked. "He knows" Stiles asked. "Yeah, I just saw him, and three other guys leave my house in two SUVs" Allison said.

"Search party" Scott asked. "No, my idiotic brother" Avery said.

"It's more like a hunting party" Allison said. "Get in" Scott said and Allison got in and sat next to Avery while Avery took the gown from Scott inhaling Lydia's scent.

Stiles drove off on a mission to find Lydia. "Alright but if she's turning would they actually kill her" Stiles asked.

"I don't know they won't tell me anything okay all they say is we'll talk after Kate's funeral when the others get here" Allison said. "What others" Stiles asked.

"I don't know they won't tell me that yet" Allison said. "Okay your family's got some serious communication issues to work on" Stiles said.

"Scott, Avery are we going the right way" Stiles asked as Scott and Avery's head were out the window. "Take the next right" Scott said.

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