7) strange frequencies

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After hearing Hayden is a chimera Avery, Scott, and Stiles rushed over to see her, and Scott knocked on the door.

"Hayden it's Scott I know that you are scared but we just, we want to help" Scott said. He listened to the door before turning to Liam.

"I can hear her heart beating she's really freaked out what happened" Scott asked Liam. "She was okay when we got here, I went to text you for two seconds and she locked herself in.

"Why" Stiles asked. "I don't know" Liam said. "She's definitely a chimera" Scott asked.

"She said she heard a voice saying your condition improves" Liam said. "Okay that's unsettling" Stiles said.

"I could use a spell to unlock the door" Avery said. "No not yet she's till freaked out" Scott said.

"Hayden this is Stiles" Stiles said knocking on the door.

"Your sister works for my dad down at the station look just open the door okay you can trust us" Stiles said before moving back.

"We just need to tell you the truth Hayden and that kind of thing is usually better face to face" Scott said. "Can I unlock it now" Avery asked and Scott ignored her.

"Listen either you're gonna unlock the door or I'm gonna have to break it open it's okay if you don't want to talk or if you're not ready to believe us but I just, I gotta know you're okay in there" Scott said.

"Oh, so you just wanted to do it yourself not mad about it I get it" Avery said.

As he was getting ready to break open the door it opened, and Scott pushed it open further seeing Hayden eyes glowing with fangs out. "I believe you" Hayden said.


Scott put a map down on the table as Stiles and Avery observed it. "We're back to telluric currents" Stiles said.

"If the dread doctors didn't like coming into Eichen house because of them maybe we can use them to protect Hayden" Scott said.

"Okay so besides Eichen where's the strongest convergence" Stiles asked, and Scott pointed to it.

"We're standing on it" Avery said. "You want to hide her in the high school for how long" Stiles asked. "If we have to all night" Scott said.

"Liam convinced Hayden not to say anything to her sister yet she's working a double tonight, and she thinks Hayden is staying at a friend's" Avery said.

"But it's just a school though you know it's not exactly a fortress" Stiles said.

"Lydia's got an idea for that" Scott said. "Remember how Valack quoted Tesla" Scott asked. "Frequency and vibration" Stiles said.

"She thinks he wasn't just saying that just to sound smart she thinks maybe it was a clue" Scott said. "To do what" Stiles asked.

"Disrupt their frequency Parrish took three cell phone jammers from the station he thinks he can broaden their range of frequency it's a long shot but it's the best we've got right now" Scott said.


"Are you kidding me we're supposed to be protecting her not send her to her possible death" Avery said to Scott after hearing about Hayden being used as bait.

"You're using her as bait i didn't think it was possible for you to get more stupid" Avery said.

"Someone had to be the bait" Scott said. "Then use me" Avery said. "We need a chimera Avery you know it's the only way to save everyone else" Scott said and Avery stayed silent.

Lydia saw Avery and Scott and walked over to them. "Is it me or is Liam not aware of the second part of the plan" Lydia asked.

"Wait Liam doesn't know this just gets better and better" Avery said angrily. "I'm still not sure if there's going to be a second part" Scott said. "Or if it's going to work" Lydia said.


Avery saw Liam pick up the chains and he turned to face her, Scott and Lydia. "What were you going to do with these" Liam asked.

"Brought them just in case" Scott said. "In case of what" Liam asked. "I'm case we had a chance to catch one of them" Lydia said.

"If we can't make the school a fortress then maybe we can make it a trap" Scott said.

"They're coming for her doesn't that mean she's the bait" Liam asked.

"Unfortunately, yes and I still don't like this plan" Avery said before Liam dropped the chains making his way to Scott. Avery suddenly heard Malia scream as the others weren't paying attention.

"Malia" Avery said and ran out of the room rushing towards Malia.

She saw Malia laying on the ground and went to help her up when she felt like she was in a trap and fell to the ground not able to move. Avery saw it was the dread doctors causing this as they made their way past Avery and Malia.


Scott rushed back in the room after Mason snapped him out of it where Malia, Lydia, and Avery already were.

They all saw Liam and Hayden were gone. "They're gone" Lydia said.

"Hayden and Liam are gone" Malia said. "The plan didn't work we failed and now we lost both Liam and Hayden" Avery said.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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