5) Venemous

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Erica arrived with Jackson and Isaac helped so he wouldn't get away. "What happened to you on the night of the full moon" Derek asked him. "What, nothing, nothing happened" Jackson said. "You're lying" Derek assumed.

"No wait, no wait I can- I can prove it I taped myself" Jackson said. Isaac laughed before realizing he was serious.

"You taped yourself" Issac said. "Yes, it was the full moon and maybe while you were curled in the corner having an existential crisis about turning into a monster, I was preparing for the so-called gift your big bad alpha promised me and what did I get nothing you want proof let me get the video" Jackson said.

"No, no I have a better idea" Derek said. "What is that" Jackson asked and Erica and Issac pushed him to the ground.

"Careful he's still Avery's friend even though I have no idea why" Derek reminded them.

Derek got up walking to Jackson while Issac held his mouth open. "You know Jackson you've always been kind of a snake, and everyone knows a snake can't be poisoned by its own venom" Derek said letting the venom drop in his mouth and Erica and Issac let go while he fell to the floor.

"You're still a snake Jackson just not the one we're looking for" Derek said leaving with Erica.


Avery was at her locker when Issac walked up. "Hey Avs" Issac said. Avery turned and saw Issac.

"Issac" Avery said smiling and hugged him. They pulled away from the hug after a moment. "How were you able to come back to school" Avery asked.

"I had a little help" Issac said. "Did you threaten Jackson" Avery asked. "Not exactly" Issac said.

"You know what I don't care we have class come on we need to find Erica" Avery said and Issac nodded heading off to class with Avery.


Avery walked in chemistry with Erica and sat at her desk with Erica sitting next to her.

"Einstein once said two things are infinite the universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the universe I myself have encountered infinite stupidity so to combat the plaque of ignorance in my class you're going to combine efforts through a round of group experiments" Mr. Harris said making Avery groan.

"Let's see if two heads are indeed better than one or in Mr. Stilinski's case less than one Erica you take the first station you'll start with" Mr. Harris said, and everyone raised their hands making Avery and Erica share a look.

"I didn't ask for volunteers put your hormonal little hands down " Mr. Harris said and they did. "Start with Mr. McCall" Mr. Harris said.


Soon Allison came and sat next to Avery as it was time to switch. "Ugh you" Avery said to Allison. "Okay look I know you don't like me but there's something you should know" Allison said.

"Make it quick" Avery said. "It's about Lydia" Allison said. "What about Lydia" Avery asked her. "They think she's the Kanima" Allison said. "Who does" Avery asked.

"Derek, Erica, and Issac" Allison said. "What" Avery said. "Their testing her right here in class" Allison said.

And if she is they'll kill her" Avery said. "Yeah, I know how much Lydia means to you so I thought you should know" Allison said.

"I still don't like you" Avery told her and looked at Lydia seeing Issac next to her. Soon class was over, and Avery saw venom on the crystal Issac gave Lydia and she wasn't affected.

Avery looked outside seeing Derek there. "Perfect just perfect" Avery said to herself.


Allison, Stiles, and Scott made it to an empty room. "Derek's outside waiting for Lydia" Scott said. "Waiting to kill her" Allison asked.

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