6) Buddhists

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Stiles, Avery, and Derek were at the animal clinic trying to hold Brett down so Deaton could make the incision as Brett was poisoned by Violet.

"What is happening to this kid" Stiles asked. "He's been poisoned by a rare wolfsbane I need to make an incision and you need to hold him as still as possible" Deaton said going to them.

"Hey Derek, Avery how about a little werewolf strength" Stiles asked.

"What do you think we're doing here sprinkling pixie dust" Avery said sarcastically. "Yeah, we're not the only ones with werewolf strength" Derek said.

"If you can't hold him still the incision might kill him" Deaton said.

"Avery, can't you use your magic or something" Stiles asked.

"I'm still new at it I could risk killing him and I rather not do that no matter how tempted I am right now" Avery said.

"Derek, Avery he's slipping I don't think I can hold him" Stiles said. Brett opened his eyes pushing everyone back as he got up.

Brett was about to leave but Peter punched him causing him to fall down. "I guess I still have a little werewolf strength myself" Peter said. "Yeah, maybe more than a little" Derek said.

Peter looked at Derek's arm causing him to look and saw that Brett scratched him and it wasn't healing.

"Hey Doc, I don't think he's breathing" Stiles said as Deaton and Stiles rushed to Brett. Deaton made the incision as Brett could finally breathe again.

"Is he okay" Avery asked. "I think he'll probably be fine but probably be out for a while" Deaton said.

Derek's arm finally healed, and he focused back on Brett.

"Guys can you hear that" Stiles asked. "He's saying something" Avery said. "The sun, the moon, the truth, the sun, the moon, the truth" Brett said.

"Three things cannot long be hidden the sun, the moon, and the truth" Deaton said and looked at Derek.

"It's Buddhist" Deaton said. Derek looked at Peter. "Satomi" Peter said.


Derek called for Malia at the school as he and Avery were waiting for her to come out.

Once she finally came out, she saw Avery and Derek as she walked till, she found them. "What are you doing here" Malia asked.

"Brett's still out of it, Avery and I need to find his pack and warn them about the dead pool" Derek said. "And we could use my beautiful best friend's help" Avery said. "What do you need me for" Malia asked.

"I know a little something about this pack they have a kind of secret meeting place in the woods no one's spent more time in the woods of Beacon Hills than you" Derek said as he and Avery approached Malia.

"This is Brett's" Derek said tossing her the jersey. "Breath it in" Derek said.

"I'm not good at that yet" Malia said. "Try it I'll teach you" Derek said. "Malia, you got this okay it's you and me we believe in each other remember" Avery said and Malia nodded and started to try to sniff the jersey.

"Focus on the different scents some are tied to identity others give off an emotion" Derek said and Malia looked like she got a scent.


Malia, Derek, and Avery got out of the car and started walking.

"Their alpha is a woman named Satomi she's one of the oldest werewolves alive and she's learned a lot" Derek said. "What does that mean" Malia asked.

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