9) Beth

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"I need more time" Theo told the dread doctors, but they didn't answer him. "Are you listening to me" Theo asked.

"I said I need more time" Theo said again. "Perigee- syzggy the super moon we'll know at the perigee-syzggy" one of the dread doctors said.

"But what about Hayden" Theo asked. "Failure" the dread doctor said.

"No, no, no, not to me" Theo said. "Failure compromises the experiment pool" the dread doctor said.

"I kept Scott out of your way" Theo said. "I did everything you wanted now I need her alive" Theo said. "Inconsequential" the dread doctor said.

"You promised me a pack" Theo said. "We promised you nothing" the dread doctor said.

"I need her alive" Theo shouted and backed away when the dread doctor looked at him stepping forward some.

"Only until the perigee-syzggy" the dread doctor said.

"I don't care about the others just please don't hurt Avery" Theo said but he ignored Theo walking away.


"One of the more common biological weapons anthrax was used by Germany in World War I and in human experimentation by the Japanese in World War II" Natalie said.

Avery noticed Beth's computer and patted Malia motions to it causing her to look.

"Beth" Natalie said and faced her. "Please close your computer I won't ask again" Natalie said and Beth closed her computer.

Once Beth pulled her hands away from her mouth Avery and Malia noticed her nail came off.

Once Beth realized Avery and Malia saw she quickly got out of her dear. "Beth, Beth" Natalie said but Beth rushed out of the classroom.

Malia and Avery went to follow her when Natalie stopped them.

"Malia, Avery if you need to use the restroom it's one at a time" Natalie told them. "And Malia if you're planning on leaving class, I'd consider your recent drop in grades" Natalie said.

"She needs help" Malia said. "Not from you" Natalie said. "You sure about that" Avery asked Natalie and crossed her arms.

"You know what's going on don't you" Malia asked Natalie. "I know that I'd like to see you get through senior year with passing grades" Natalie said.

"You know more than that" Malia said and glowed her eyes for a moment.

"I think you need to focus more on your schoolwork all of you" Natalie said.

"Well sorry but we can't do that cause if we do who's going to protect the town of supernatural's you" Avery said and grabbed Malia's hand leaving with her.


"Beth are you okay" Malia asked her walking over to her with Avery.

"Why are you talking to me" Beth asked. "You don't know me you don't know anything about my condition" Beth said.

"Your condition what condition" Avery asked. "My condition, my condition, my condition" Beth said going to leave when Malia stopped her.

"Hey, you don't want to be alone" Malia said and Beth pushed her back along with Avery and ran off.

"Are you kidding me" Malia said. "She better, be lucky she caught me off guard" Avery said and got up helping Malia up. Then they both ran off going after Beth.

"Beth" Malia said. They stopped once they saw the dread doctor.

Right as Avery used her powers to open the door the dread doctor already killed Beth and before Avery could knock him out, he vanished.

"Ugh I never thought I could hate something more than dread doctors" Avery said.

Malia and Avery made their way to Beth and Avery saw how upset Malia was and pulled her in shielding her eyes from Beth hugging her.


Avery was leading Malia to her locker prepared to take her home after what she witnessed today while she stayed by her side not wanting to leave her alone.

Stiles saw them and saw Malia's expression. "Malia" Stiles said and went up to them.

"Hey, hey what happened" Stiles asked taking Malia's hands.

"I hate this I hate losing like this I'm not like Scott I can't deal with another body another failure" Malia said.

"Come on" Avery said and led Malia away while Stiles watched them leave. He knew if Malia would open up to anyone it be Avery and he had no doubt that she wouldn't leave her side.


Avery took Malia home and led her up to her room before covering her up with a blanket.

"You're doing it again taking care of me" Malia said.

"Hey, we take care of each other besides call it payback for looking after me when you were a coyote" Avery said.

"I always do" Malia said and Avery sat next to her. "You don't have to stay with me" Malia said.

"Are you kidding of course I do you're my best friend" Avery said, and Malia smiled. "I'm not going anywhere" Avery said and Malia leaned in her shoulder. "Thanks" Malia said.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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