2) last first day

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Avery woke up that morning and saw Derek still asleep. Avery smiled at him kissing him on the cheek.

She got up and got dressed and annoyed her ring. She went back over to Derek shaking him some.

"Derek, Derek" Avery said. "Hmm" Derek said still half asleep. "I gotta go" Avery said and Derek finally opened his eyes and looked at Avery.

"First day don't want to be late" Avery said. "Just give me a sec and I'll drive you" Derek said and got up and changed his clothes. "Now is there anything I should know before taking you to school" Derek asked.

"Maybe one thing" Avery said and Derek looked at her. "My ex the one I told you about before you went to visit Cora the ex who took my virginity is back" Avery said.

"What" Derek said. "And he's apparently a werewolf imagine that" Avery said. "You know this makes me want to lock you in the loft now right" Derek asked.

"Hey, hey don't worry about it I chose you remember okay I'm marrying you not him" Avery said and gave Derek a quick kiss. "If he does anything" Derek said. "I'll call you" Avery said.

"Okay come on let's go" Derek said and grabbed his keys and they left.


"So, you ran a background check and all you found was a speeding ticket" Malia asked Stiles.

"Speeding ticket signed by Theo's dad eight years ago" Stiles said.

"Which means what" Malia asked. "Who speeds" Stiles asked. "Well how many tickets do you have" Malia asked. "None" Stiles said. "How many would you have if your dad didn't get you out of them" Malia asked.

"Seventeen" Stiles said. "I don't know Stiles I mean I see why you're worried he's really hot he's got like great hair perfect body he is Avery's ex you should definitely feel threatened" Malia told Stiles.

"Thank you because I do now more than ever" Stiles said. "You want me to torture him" Malia asked.

"No, I don't want you to torture him" Stiles said. "I'm pretty sure I can take him" Malia said.

"What are we talking about" Avery asked walking over to Malia and Stiles. "Stiles is suspicious of your ex" Malia said. "Oh" Avery said. "And he won't let me torture him" Malia said.

"Why not you could take him" Avery said and Malia smiled at her.

"I have a plan alright and there are steps to doing this right" Stiles said.

"What steps" Malia asked. "We get the story verify the facts you find the piece that doesn't fit and catch him in the act that's how you do it" Stiles said.

Stiles saw Theo causing Avery and Malia to look. Theo waved at them smiling.

"Why are you so suspicious of this guy" Malia asked Stiles. "Because I remember Theo from fourth grade okay that's not Theo" Stiles said.


Avery was at her locker with Malia when Lydia walked up to them. "Well, there she is the future Mrs Hale" Lydia said and Avery smiled. "Nice to see you too Lydia" Avery said.

"The ring does suit you Avs" Malia said. "Thanks Malia" Avery said. "I am planning your wedding dress" Lydia said.

"Wouldn't have it any other way" Avery said. "How does Scott feel that Derek is going to be his brother-in-law" Malia asked.

"I'm not sure hard to tell I mean he is happy for us, but he and Derek has had their ups and downs, but I think secretly he's happy he's finally getting a brother" Avery said and the girls laughed.

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