7) admitting feelings

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Avery managed to get Derek into the old Hale House and laid him down on the sofa. "Please wake up please" Avery said as tears fell on her face.

"Come on Derek wake up, wake up" Avery said. Then when she was beginning to lose hope Derek had woken up and sat up when he had happened to see Avery.

"Avery" Derek said confused and Avery just hugged him. Derek hugged her back confused before she pulled away.

"You're okay" Avery said. "Yeah, I'm okay" Derek said. "Did you bring me here" Derek asked. "Yeah, I managed to get you away before the alpha noticed I was gone" Avery said. "You could've gotten killed" Derek said.

"I don't care I had to make sure you were okay" Avery said. "I care why would you do something so idiotic and insanely stupid like that Avery" Derek asked.

"Isn't it obvious" Avery asked him. "Is what obvious" Derek asked her. "I like you, you idiot" Avery said, and Derek just looked at her.

"More than you know more than a friend okay I like you" Avery said. "You like me" Derek asked. "Yes of course I like you who wouldn't" Avery said.

Once she realized Derek wasn't saying anything she was turning around to leave. Derek suddenly got up turned her around and kissed her.


Derek had pulled away from the kiss and looked at Avery. "I like you too I have liked you since I laid eyes on you" Derek said.

"Why didn't you say anything" Avery asked. "Why didn't you" Derek asked. "I could hear your heartbeat every time I was around, I know you lied about that dream you had of the alpha killing that bus driver besides it's not like you don't make it obvious calling me hot and everything" Derek said and Avery playfully punched him, and Derek laughed.

"I guess I was scared" Avery said. "Scared of what of me" Derek asked her. "Because it's not like I didn't flirt back" Derek said.

"No not of you and besides I couldn't tell if you were joking or not" Avery said. "Well, I wasn't" Derek said and Avery sat down on his bed. "What are you so afraid of" Derek asked and sat next to Avery. "Falling in love" Avery said.


"Why are you scared to fall in love" Derek asked. "I don't know I just I" Avery said and took a breath.

"What if we go out and it's great in the beginning, we end up falling head over heels for each other completely in awe whatever and then one day it changes, and we break up and it gets to the point we can't stand the sight of each other" Avery asked.

"That's why your scared" Derek asked. "Derek, I like you a lot I haven't really felt this way for a guy in forever and if things don't work out and we end up not being friends I don't know if I can handle that I never want you not in my life" Avery said.

"And I know it's silly because we barely know each other that well but" Avery said. "It's not silly" Derek said, and Avery looked at him.

"But you can't let this be the reason to hold you back sometimes you just have to go for it and see what happens" Derek said.

"I get that things are scary, but life is scary regardless even for werewolves you have to make the best of it and go for what you want" Derek said. "What if I want to be with you" Avery asked. "Then I'm yours" Derek said and held her hand. 


"So, what does this mean" Avery asked Derek. "Well, I hope it means you're my girlfriend" Derek said and Avery smiled.

"Okay but you're planning the first date I stink at dating" Avery said. "Deal" Derek said. "Just no more stressing out about the future okay" Derek said.

"I can't promise that, but I can try" Avery said. "I'll take it" Derek said and kissed her.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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