6) required reading

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Noah marked out Tracy who was on the crime board. "Chimeras" Noah said. "Two dead chimeras" Stiles said. "And eight new ones" Avery said.

"So that's 10 in all" Stiles said. "I'm thinking maybe 11" Noah said and hung, up Donovan's photo.

"Our station tech guys confirmed something for me they said both the holding cell lock and cameras could have malfunctioned because of something electromagnetic" Noah said.

"You said that these guys" Noah asked showing the book. "Dread doctors" Malia said. "Are we really calling them that" Noah asked.

"So, they broke Donovan out" Derek asked. "It's how they got into Eichen isn't it" Noah said.

"Donovan's a chimera" Malia said. "Yeah" Noah said. "But is he a failure like Lucas and Tracy" Noah asked. "Only one way to find out but chances are he's dead" Avery said.

Malia went to mark him off, but Noah stopped her. "Not until I've seen a body" Noah said.

"You're uncharacteristically quiet" Noah told Stiles.

"Sorry I'm uh I'm just trying to think about it there are all teenagers right" Stiles said. "So now shouldn't we be trying to figure out why these teenagers" Stiles asked.

"If the dread doctors if they went through all that burying them, killing them, breaking one of them out of jail" Stiles said.

"They couldn't have been chosen at random" Derek said. "They had to have something in common" Malia said. "Something that made them right" Noah said.

"For the experiment" Avery added. "Something that made them special" Stiles said.


"And you're sure this book has all the answers" Derek asked. "It's the only lead we got" Avery said.

Derek sighed and picked up the book. "I don't like this" Derek said. "Join the club" Avery said and kissed his cheek. "I gotta go but I should be back tonight" Avery said.

"Please be safe I don't have a good feeling about your ex" Derek said.

"If it makes you feel any better neither do I he seems different he's not the same person at least not the one I dated" Avery said.

"I love you" Derek said seeing Avery leaving. "I love you too" Avery yelled before leaving.


"My mom's book club usually has more wine" Lydia said. "Well, they also probably don't read books that cause violent hallucinations" Stiles said.

"That's why Malia's here" Scott said. "So, none of us go running into traffic" Kira said. "Or worse" Scott said.

"Like what happened to Judy" Malia said and everyone looked at her. "Chapter 14" Malia said.

"Well, I always loved to read although I think I reached my limit with creepy mask doctor guys" Avery said. "Maybe I should have my mother read it" Lydia said grabbing a book.

"She might remember a girl with a tail leaping off the ceiling and attacking everyone" Lydia said.

"Yeah, if it works" Stiles said. "It has to" Lydia said. "What does that mean" Scott asked.

"I think I saw them when I stayed with Avery when Derek went to grab some food at the loft, and she was still asleep I may have dozed off for a second when I look at the cover of the book it's almost like" Lydia said.

"A memory trying to surface" Theo said. "Yeah" Lydia said. "Isn't that what Valack wanted when he wrote it" Kira asked.

"If they did something to me, I want to know what it is" Lydia said.

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