11) kidnapped

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Avery was with Derek at the old Hale house after she spent the night with Derek knowing her mom was still adjusting after learning what Avery and Scott was.

"You decided" Derek said sensing Boyd and Erica behind them turning around to face them along with Avery.

"When" Derek asked. "Tonight" Erica said. "Tonight, why tonight" Avery asked.

"Everyone's gonna be at the game we figured it was the best time" Boyd said.

"It's not like we want to" Erica said. "Kinda seems like you do" Avery said. "What do you want" Derek asked.

"Since I just turned 16 a month ago, I wouldn't mind getting my license I can't do that if I'm dead you know" Erica said.

"You'll end up dead if you run E, you know that" Avery said. "I told you there was a price" Derek said. "Yeah, but you didn't say it would be like this" Boyd said.

"Yeah, but I told you how to survive you do it as a pack and you're not a pack without an alpha" Derek said. "We know" Boyd said.

"You wanna look for another pack, how are you even gonna find one" Derek asked. "We think we already did" Boyd said.


"Like all of a sudden we heard all this howling it was unbelievable" Erica said. "There must have been a dozen of them" Boyd said. "Maybe more" Erica said.

"Yeah, or maybe only two" Derek said. "You know what the Beau Geste effect is" Derek asked. "If they modulate their howls with a rapid shift in tone 2 wolves can sound like 20" Derek said. 

"Look that doesn't matter okay there's another pack out there there's got to be we've made up our minds" Erica said.

"Yeah, we lost Derek and it's over we're leaving" Boyd said.

"No, no you're running and once you start you don't stop, you'll always be running and once you start you don't stop, you'll always be running" Derek said and Erica and Boyd left while Derek and Avery turned around.

Derek looked in the glass he had and quickly pushed Avery to the side far away so she wouldn't get hurt.

Derek turned around throwing the glass. Avery looked and saw Peter who had caught the glass. "I expected a slightly warmer welcome, but point taken" Peter said.


"Oh, lovely my favorite ex psycho alpha is back" Avery said sarcastically.

"It's quite a situation you've got yourself in here Derek I mean I'm out of commission for a few weeks and suddenly there's lizard people geriatric psychopaths and you're cooking up werewolves out of every self-esteem deprived adolescent in town" Peter said.

"What do you want" Derek asked. "Well, I want to help you're my nephew the only relative that I have left you know there's still a lot that I can teach you" Peter said.

"Can we just talk" Peter asked. "Sure, let's talk" Derek said before throwing Peter across the room.

"Well as much fun as this is I'm gonna try to find Erica and Boyd see if I can change their minds" Avery said and kissed Derek's cheek. "Be careful" Derek said. "Always" Avery said and left.


Avery had been in the woods for a while looking for Erica and Boyd when she heard Erica scream.

She ran towards the sound and went towards Erica catching an arrow just in time breaking it in half before throwing it back at Allison who had dodged the attempt and she saw Avery's eyes glowing.

Avery quickly got the arrows out of Erica and helped her up. "Run" Avery said and they all started running.

Until Allison shot multiple arrows at Avery causing her to fall.

"Avery " Erica said once she and Boyd stopped seeing she had fell to the ground. "I knew you were just like your aunt" Avery told Allison.

"Go run get out of here" Avery said to Erica and Boyd. But Erica didn't listen and went to Avery.

"What are you doing" Avery asked. "Go" Avery said. "I'm not leaving without you" Erica said and right when she was about to help Avery multiple arrows were shot at her causing her to fall to the ground.

"Boyd run go" Avery said and Boyd left while Allison kept shooting arrows at Avery causing Erica to worry.

"Stop" Erica said in tears. "Allison please" Erica said but she didn't listen. "Leave Avery alone kill me not her" Erica said.

Right when Allison was about to shoot another one Boyd came back and caught it only for Allison to shoot one at him and continued to shoot till Argent broke her bow with his gun.


Allison was back with Argent after catching Avery, Erica, and Boyd. "You owe me a new bow" Allison said.

"You owe me an explanation" Argent said. "For what I caught them me" Allison said. "Caught came very close to kill and that's not the way we do this" Argent said.

"Maybe it's not the way you do it I think my way worked out pretty well" Allison said. "Allison" Argent said before Allison put her hand up putting her phone to her ear.

"Hey grandpa it's me we got our two runaways along with Avery who tried to save them call us back" Allison said and hung up.

She noticed the look on Argent's face. "What" Allison said. "It's just the first time I've heard you call him that" Argent said.


Avery woke up and saw Erica and Boyd beside her and she noticed they were connected to wires.

Avery looked around and noticed they were in the basement of the Argent house.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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