In your world. (MC/Ominis/Sebastian.)

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Description: After telling the boys that you shift to their universe when you sleep, they get extremely curious what it's like where you come from.

Warnings: None. Well, probably cringe. Also, Deek is a bit laid back, as MC and him have became very close. Just to make it more fun and silly.

    "MC I have another question." Sebastian stated as he pretended to browse through the books in the Room of Requirement.

    "Well, that's a shock. It's not like you haven't already asked three with in the past 15 minutes," Ominis snorted from his spot on the worn emerald gothic couch where he lounged  across from you.

    You shoot Ominis a look, which he somehow must feel because he just rolls his eyes and continues twirling his wand between his fingers.

    "And what would that be, Seb?" You giggle. Ominis was right, he was been quite inquisitive this past week after you told them.

    "Do you guys dress the same as muggles do now?" He said as he abandoned his feigned search for books, now plopping down on the couch beside you.

    "Oh Merlins beard, no. Honestly I'm sure you'd find the way we dress quite scandalous."

   Ominis lifted an eyebrow, now seemingly interested in the conversation. Sebastian chuckled, "Come on, can you show us? It's just the three of us in here." He paused, glancing over at Deek where he stood throwing popcorn into the air and catching it in his mouth, "Well, four."

   Deek catches a kernel and turns to the three of you, "Deek does not mind,  Deek is quite used to the garb."

    You blush as you turn towards Deek, throwing a pillow at him which he dodges and chuckles. Sebastian, sensing your discomfort clearly decides he just has to have details now, "Do tell, Deek."

    "Well you see, they wear their 'other clothes' when they are alone in the room of requirement. They say that Wizard robes are, and I repeat exactly, "Way to freaking warm."

    Deek was telling the truth, you would always switch over to the clothing you'd wear in your world when it was just the two of you. I mean, it was a rather hot spring. Why did robes have to be so damn heavy?

    "Fine," You sigh as the boys glance at you expectantly. "But if I'm wearing clothes from my world, so are you."

    You pull out your wand and flick it in their directions,  and in the middle of Ominis' protest, the boys find themselves wearing rather odd outfits.

    Sebastian jumps up and glances down at his outfit. He is clad in black skinny jeans as well as a black t-shirt, topped off with an dark green and black flannel. You inspect your work and smile, quickly conjuring a black beanie.

     Ominis on the other hand sits up, hands trailing around his body to inspect. He wears skinny blue jeans and a black knitted sweater.

  Sebastian walks over to the mirror against the wall checking out his outfit, "How weird. Honestly I kind of like it." He glances back at Ominis, "You actually look nice too, mate."

    You smile and think about your favorite outfit. You settle on (insert your own outfit if you don't like mine) black high waisted shorts, a black tank top, over the ankle black combat boots and a flannel very close to Sebastians.

    Sebastians mouth drops open. "Don't worry, I covered my ankles so you don't have an anuerysm." You chuckle.

   Deek smiles, "Deek likes the changes you have made."

   Sebastian smiles, thanking Deek, straightening up a bit and rocking on his heels confidenly. Ominis still on the couch, quips, "Would someone like to fill me in? Why are they talking about ankles?"

    You listen to Sebastian describe all of the outfits and Ominis' face contorts to one of both shock and awe, "MC, are you telling us you can walk around with your legs  exposed for everyone to see?"

   "Oh Omi, this is nothing. Wait until you hear about bikinis."


I know this is silly, I just feel like they'd be super curious about where MC really comes from. Let me know what you think, and if you have any ideas on what else we could introduce them to.

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