Sick Day (Howarts Legacy)

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Despcription: MC wakes up feeling as if they were trampled by a graphorn one Friday morning. All they were able to do was stumble to the nearest Floo Flame and head to their room of requirement. Upon realizing their friend is missing, Sebastian and Ominis hunt them down.

Y/r/n- your roommates name. (It can be anyone, I'm trying to keep this at gender and house neutral as physically possible.)


The day itself was a chilly one. I knew I should be feeling the icy grey chill seeping through the castle walls, yet all I could feel was heat. My blood seemed to boil inside my veins, causing sweat to pour from my face. Despite the heat radiating from inside me, my body was racked with shivers, punctuated only by an occasional sneeze that was so powerful I was sure it knocked my soul out of my body. My nose ran so much, I was sure the mucus could fill up the entirety of the Black Lake, and my coughs were so dramatic, I figured the whole castle shook on its foundation with each one.

I managed to leave my dorm, only to Floo travel straight to my Room of Requirement, briefly telling my roommate that I was going somewhere private until I felt better. They just gave me a thumbs up, knowing better than to ask any questions.

Seeing me appear in the doorway- looking like an inferi, I'm sure- Deek sprung to action. He ushered me to the couch, summoning the softest blanket I had ever felt, draping it over me. Rather frantically, he apperated from place to place.

It would have been rather funny to watch, had I not felt like I was on my death bed.


He appeared with a huge pillow.



He dissapeared, appearing with an ice pack for my head.


He dissapeared and returned with a thermometer, sticking it under my tongue.



He dissapeared for a few minutes this time, startling me when he snapped back into the room. He held a silver tray on his head. Upon it was Chicken Noodle Soup, a teapot, a small teacup, and a few cookies.

He placed it on the coffee table near me, rushing over to take the thermometer out of my mouth. He studied it, frowning. He lays it on the tray, "Deek thinks you should rest. Deek will inform Professor Weasley of your illness."

I smile faintly, beginning to give in to the idea of sleep, "Thank you, Deek."

After he snaps away again, I give in to the darkness attempting to over take me.

Sebastian's POV

"Ominis! Have you seen Y/n?" Sebastian jogged up the skinny boy, navigating the hallway with a flash of red light.

Without missing a beat, and never missing a chance to snark, Ominis continues walking, "No Sebastian, I haven't seen them. Not today. Actually, come to think about it I don't think I ever have. Get it? Because I'm blind." He waves his hand infront of his face, sarcastically.

Sebastian rolled his eyes, "Oh for fucks sake mate, you know what I mean. They weren't in class this morning."

Ominis hummed, "Come to think of it, they weren't in Arithmancy either."

"I'm worried, mate." Sebastian lifted his fingers to his mouth, gnawing worriedly at his nails.

"I'm sure they are off on another adventure. Maybe killing poachers or whatever it is they do in their spare time." Ominis attempted to sound nonchalant, but deep down he was concerned.

"Right, but they usually send me an owl or let me know first. I'm really worried, Ominis."

Ominis stopped walking and put a comforting hand on Sebastian's shoulder, "They're fine. But let's look for them. I suppose I wouldn't mind missing a class from Binns."

Sebastian grinned at his friend, "Thanks mate."

The pair scoured the hall for roughly half an hour, before finding Y/n's roommate.

Sebastian called out to the other student, "Y/r/n!"

Y/n's roommate turned to face the pair of Slytherins as they jogged up to them, "Y/rn, have you seen y/n?"

They nod, "They woke up this morning as sick as a troll. Said they were going somewhere private to get better."

Sebatians face twisted in confusion for a second, before it dawned on him. "Ominis I know where they are! Come on!"

Ominis twisted around as Sebastian dragged him away, "Thank you!"

It was dark when I first gained consciousness. My skin felt tacky, except for the cool sensation of a fresh rag placed over my forhead. My eyes refused to open- and to be honest, I wasn't necessarily trying too hard. I attempted to slip back into the sweet nothingness that was sleep, but something kept bugging me... what exactly had woken me up?

Giving up the efforts of falling back asleep, I just lay there for a moment. Voices, I realized. Voices had woken me up.

"Deek has been taking care of your friend. Deek is actually quite happy to say their fever has gone down a bit." The house elf spoke quietly from the entrance of the room.

"Thank you Deek, you are a great friend." A voice said softly. It only took a second to place who it belonged to. Ominis.

"Did they happen to go to the Hospital Wing?" Sebastian asked this as if he already knew the answer.

There was a rustle, I figure Deek must have shook his head, "No, sirs. They did not. They are too..." Deek trailed off, looking for a word that wasn't considered disrespectful.

"Stubborn," Ominis and Sebastian spoke at the same time.

The rustle of a nod again. At this point I slowly opened my eyes. Merlin's beard, it's bright in here. I must of made a sound, because the three turned to me, rushing over. Deek snapped his fingers, and the lighting of the room dimmed to a semi-eerie glow.

"Hey there, Darling." Ominis's cold hand touched my forhead and he gasped, "Merlins trousers, you are burning up."

Sebastian took my hand before I could wave Ominis off, "Don't say you're fine. You look like shit."

"Such a gentleman." My voice comes out as a croak, albeit maintaining the sarcastic tone. My throat is irritated from the words and I quickly turn my head away from them to cough.

"Ominis?" Sebastian inquired. I wasn't sure what they were conveying to each other, as my eyes had once again closed.

After a brief moment, Ominis let out a short, "Yes."

I feel them shift beside me, then suddenly my body is lifted from the couch. I open my eyes, seeing Sebastian had lifted me in his arms.

Wanting to argue, but not having the energy to really do so, I manage to ask, "Where are you taking me?"

Ominis chuckled from beside Sebastian and I, "The hospital wing, you stubborn little creature." My eyes open again, and I attempt to move.

I felt Sebastian's chuckle reverberate through his chest, "And don't try to struggle, Ominis isn't afraid to stun you."

A/N: I started this the other day, and this morning woke up with a 101 fever. Lucky me.

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