Rule Breaker (Sebastian Sallow x Reader)

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Request: Sebastian sallow one shot: Sebastian breaks a rule just to make reader smile.

Description: Y/N has been having a rough time after the death of Professor Fig. They just go through the motions and fake smiles. Sebastian notices this, and decides he's gotta get to you to make you smile- rules be damned.


"Honestly, yes. I think they need that." Poppy smiled at the idea Sebastian presented, "It should be easy to actually get you into our dorms, but we need you to go unnoticed by the others. I don't want anyone turning you in because they have a thorn in their side."

Sebastian hummed in thought, the idea coming to him, "I got it! Y/n has a stash of Polyjuice potion! You distract them for the day, and I can disguise myself as you! Although I'm sure I'll need help decorating..."

Poppy thought for a second, munching on the honey bun that Sebastian had brought her to butter her up. "Whats Anne up to? I know she's feeling better, and I feel like she'd love this. She can disguise herself as y/n."

Sebastian grins, "Poppy, you genius little creature. Maybe you should have been in Ravenclaw."

Poppy laughs, "Maybe, Sallow. Maybe. I'll get y/n out of the castle tomorrow... and I'll sneak you our hair tonight at dinner. I'll tuck it into a book and act like you let me borrow it."

Sebastian hopped up in excitement, "Wonderful, I'll write to Anne right away. Thank you, Poppy."

Poppy watched the boy begin to strut away, laughing to herself. That kid was so head over heels for y/n.
"Poppy. I love you, I really do. But please tell me where it is you're dragging me?" You force a laugh as your friend pulls you through the back alley of some small hamlet you've surprisingly never been too.

"Just wait-" she pulls you through the narrow exit of the alley, straight into a street out of a fairytale. A cobblestone road, lined on either sides with shops with thatched roofs. Beautiful jack o lanterns  line the walkways, and leaves flutter through the air like butterflies.  You can't help but take a deep breath, amazed.

"Oh, Poppy." You breathe out, looking at the scene infront of you. There's a flower shop, a bakery, a book store, a clothing store... it's all amazing.

"I thought you could use a nice, calm day. So I brought you to my favorite place." Poppy smiles at you proudly.
"Let's go, we've got lots of shopping to do!"

Meanwhile, the Sallow twins stood in the detention room, knowing there was no way they'd get caught in there.

"Poppy's Polyjuice looks like sunshine." Anne watched in amazement as sebastian swirled the bottle.

Her eyes fell back to the bottle in her hand, in which a gossamer liquid swirled, so deeply amber that in certain lights it appeared black. Sebastian looked up from under his brows at his sister, laughing at the apprehensive look in her eyes, "Y/n drank a Polyjuice potion that turned them into Professor Black. They said it looked like someone bottled vomit. you'll be just fine." He held out the bottle and clicked it against Anne's, "Slàinte."

She huffed a small laugh, returning the cheers before downing the bottle. For a moment, the twins felt nothing- then all at once, their bones began shifting. Muscles and skin stretched and shrank, hair growing and changing color. 

Before they knew it, they both stood there staring at each other... well. Sort of.

"I never realized how much smaller Poppy is than me," Sebastian chuckled, looking around at his now small frame basically swimming in his clothes.

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