Would it be that Bad? (Harry x Reader)

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Description: The reader gets bit by an Acromantula after sneaking out past curfew- and Harry is the one to find them in their delirious state.

"Yeah, no. Shit," You manage to stumble into the central hall, watching it spin violently around you, "Not good. Definitely not good."

Your leg throbbed, sending white hot pain up your thigh. Speaking of hot, dear God was it toasty in here.

"It's the middle of January," You mutter deliriously to yourself, shrugging off your coat, "Why is it do cold."

It was your first year back after the war. Being Slytherin, your parents had pulled you out until such a time it was safe to return... they were afraid you'd either get caught up in the dark arts or be mistaken for a deatheater just because of the house you were sorted into. It wasn't all bad though, as Hermione had also returned to school to finish her 7th year, so at least you still had her.

She was the only one of the golden trio you were actually able to stand... Granted, you didn't actually know Harry and Ron that well. But that didn't matter seeing as they opted to not return, instead becoming aurors. Harry was always dismissive of you the first and only few times you had attempted to speak to him.

The school had taken up placing a few Aurors within the castle at all times, seeing as there were still a handful of deatheaters who thought they were special enough to do something.

That would explain the sight of Harry Potter, walking towards you with clear apprehension. He too was spinning.

Man, this venom is really working a toll on me. For a second there I thought he actually looked worried.

"Y/n? What the hell happened?" He whispered, holding a hand out to you.

"Acro-" you let out a hybrid of a hiccup and a cough, causing blood to sputter between your lips, "Mantula." You try to lean down to show him the wound on your calf, but instead you stumble straight into his arms.

You look at him, fighting off the black encroaching on your vision, "Man am I glad to see you Potter."

He snorts, "Yeahhhh. You're delirious. Let's get you to the hospital wing."

He attempts to lift you bridal style, but you fight, "No! No hospital." You're starting to lose feeling on the left side of your body, "Requirement. My room." Your vision pulses as reality fades in and out, "Bezoar. Wiggenw-"

Then, blackness.

You came to about an hour later to find that Harry had infact taken you to your Room of Requirement. He now sat beside the cot he had layed you on.

He was staring off into the distance, gnawing on his already too short nails and bouncing his leg restlessly.

Your voice came out as a bit of a croak, "Careful Potter," You crack a weak smile at him as he turns to look at you wide eyed, "It almost looks like you care about what happens to me."

"Oh thank Godric," he sighed in relief, "I thought you were dead for sure. I was minutes away from finding Hermione."

You sit bolt upright, "You didn't tell her did you?"

"Easy there tiger," he eases you back down, "No, I didn't. Why?"

"You've met the girl," You shoot Harry an incredulous look, "She already told me not to go out there. If she knew about this she'd turn me into a bug and put me into a jar."

"You're friends with Hermione?" He seemed shocked. Why does he seem shocked?

"Uh, of course? She's great?" You're confused at his surprise to say the least.

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