Truth or Dare (Ominis × Reader)

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"Ominis! Sebastian! I'm glad you two decided to come!" Garreth greeted the pair as they entered the Room of Requirement.

"Well seeing as you've comendeered Y/n's room, where we spend our time anyway," Sebastian rolled his eyes, "It didn't give us much of a choice."

"Sebastian don't be a prat. You were excited all day for this." Ominis rolled his eyes as well.

"Yeah, well-" Sebastian began to argue, but was promptly cut of by Garreth.

"Yes, yes. Why don't you to go take a seat do we can get started."

The boys walk over to the main seating area, and notice the plethora of potions bottles spread out over the the coffee table in the center. They sit on the couch across from Y/n and Poppy, who were curled up into themselves and leaning against eachother to share a blanket. They quietly passed a mug of something- Ominis suspected it was hot cocoa by the smell- between each other.

"Do I even want to know why there's potions involved?" Ominis raised an eyebrow.

Y/n laughed a bit, "I wish I knew. However, if it makes you feel any better, the potions are mine. Garreth spent an hour snooping through the reserves downstairs."

Ominis's heart flutters at the sound of his friends angelic laughter. With how angelic her voice was, and how pure and kind she was, Ominis could only imagine how beautiful she must be.

His cheeks flush as he realizes he didn't answer, but Sebastian thankfully steps in before the silence is too noticeable, "Yes, actually. That does make me feel better. Alot better."

Across the room, the fireplace flares green temporarily. Everyone turns to look at it, Ominis pointing his flashing red wand towards the figure who exited the flames.

"Oh Anne, you made it!" Y/n squeals, she and Poppy flying up from the couch to tackle their friend into the biggest hugs possible. Anne had been cured for a few months now thanks to Y/n, but decided to wait to come back to hogwarts until the following school year.

"I told you I would!" Anne laughed, "Now get off of me you animals."

Y/n hadn't realized it, but Sebastian and Ominis were waiting behind her and Poppy for their turn. The pair of girls returned to the couch and once again assumed their stations cuddling under the blanket. They were just friends, but obviously nearly getting torched by a dragon together, twice, makes you very close.

Sebastian hugs his sister, and Ominis follows suit. When Ominis attempts to exit the hug, Anne clutches onto him and whispers in his ear, "Mind telling me why Y/n is all cuddled up with her friend and not you?"

Anne pulls away to look at Ominis, who was pushing violently. She gasped quietly, "You haven't told her how you feel? Seriously?"

"I-" Ominis begins to defend himself, but Sebastian chimes in.

"Trust me dear sister, he won't budge." He leans in and stage whispers, "I've been trying for weeks."

"Hey, listen. As much as I love a reunion, get your asses over here so we can start." Garreth calls to the trio.

Anne laughs and walks towards the sitting area, "Hello to you too Garreth. Looking as red as ever I see."

Garreth just flips his hair and runs a hand down his outfit playfully, "You know it, baby."

Everyone now sat- Anne being absorbed onto the blanket monster formally known as Y/n and Poppy- Garreth stood on his chair, to theatrically begin the rules, "It's basic truth or dare, but if you choose to forgo answering a question or performing a dare you must drink a potion." He gestures to the coffee table with dramatic flourish, "Y/n, do the thing."

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