Saving You Idiots (Hogwarts Legacy x Reader)

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Description: The Gaunts end up taking Ominis and Sebastian hostage after graduation. The reader isn't entertaining that.

Warning: Violent.

The wind howled through the barren trees, creating a ghostly whistle from the forest outside Gaunt Manor. The cold air stung my cheeks and ears, but the pain of it was welcome- it calmed me just enough to stop my from razing the house to the ground.

To say I was pissed was an understatement- hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. The Gaunts had summoned Ominis to what was supposed to be an amicable meeting to settle things after he officially announced he was leaving the family.

I told him it was an awful idea, but he argued. "I'll be fine," he said "Garreth and Sebatian will be with me." He said.

Well, here we are: a week after the meeting was meant to be, and Garreth who had barely escaped with his life show up panting on my door step about being hunted by Marvolo Gaunt. As I expected, the Gaunt family was up to no good.

After graduation last year, Ominis, Sebastian and I had moved into the old Sallow Manor, where Sebastian had been raised.

Now; I stalk the shadows of the forest outside Gaunt Manor, suddenly glad that I made Ominis promise that if shit goes south his family is free game.

Marvolo was still tracking Garreth, who was leading him on a wild goose chase around London with the aide of an Ex- Auror friend of mine. Despite his limp, the man was damn good at dissapearing if the moment called for it.

As I had expected, the Gaunts had placed guards around the grounds of the estate- too bad they were no match for me. For the last 20 minutes, I have been hitting them with Petrificus Totalus and dragging their frozen bodies into the woods.

Silently, I lay the last one down. I had originally planned to enter the house stealthily, but after Garreth told me the things they were doing to my boys, all bets are off.

I stride confidently to the front enterance, forgoing the niceties of knocking and instead opt to kick down the door. One thing I've learned since absorbing the repository is how to reinforce my body with the power that I hold. This in turn gave me inhuman strength... enough to blow the door complete off of its hinges and back into the enterance hall.

Within moments of my arrival, more guards charged me. Since the events of 5th year, I tried my best to avoid killing. But remember what I said before?

Hell hath no fury.

I roll to dodge a curse thrown in my direction, sending back a simple diffendo. Unlike my attacker, my aim landed true- slicing the man's neck.

More guards come in, surrounding me. I turn to the nearest, "Expelliarmus! Accio!" I send the guards wand rolling, and pull him toward me using him as a human shield. The other guards hesitated as they saw my wand pressed against their comrades jugular.

My words came out cold and flat as I addressed them, "I will let you leave- I know you aren't loyal to the Gaunts. You're only loyal to the Galleons they give you. However, if you choose to stay- not only will you not be receiving payment, but I'll see to it personally that your families receive your head in a box." I smile as my eyes flicker to each of their faces, and to my surprise all but one seem to be contemplating leaving the house.

That singular wizard, though. He's about to be a problem for me. He steps forward, about to throw a curse at me. "Mistake," I mumble, pushing my human shield in the way of what would have been a killing blow. Before the other guards can even realize what is happening, I raise my hands into the air. Electricity crackles around me as I bring my hands down, striking the rebel with lightning, reducing him to dust.

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