Sneaking In (Reader x Ominis)

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Description: Sebastian and Y/n snuck out to hunt down a few poacher camps. They thought Ominis didn't catch them. They thought wrong.

Warnings: blood

The Slytherin common room was quiet and dark, the only bits of light coming from the fireplace and the moon filtering through the lake.

Sebastian and Y/n loosed a breath, Sebastian turning toward his friend, "Looks like we are in the clear. I'll see you in the morning, doll."

He placed a kiss on the top of Y/n's head, which she swatted away chuckling. She watched him leave, waiting until she heard the distant click of his dorm door before allowing herself to wince. Slipping off her jacket, she lifts her shirt to expose the deep wound on her abdomen. Through the pain, she couldn't bring herself to care about the blood dripping onto the floor.

"You're dripping blood on the carpet," a voice came from the windows, causing Y/n to jump and whimper in pain. Ominis stepped from the shadows, outlined by the faint glow of the watery windows, "Why did you hide that from Sebastian?"

She shook her head, "It's nothing."

He came closer, grabbing her hand and roughly leading her to the chair infront of the window. Taking his wand out, he studied the wound. His face was flat, Y/n realized just how pissed he was, "It most certainly is not nothing. That wound is deep. Hand me your bag."

Y/n unhooked the strap from over her shoulder, allowing Ominis to snatch it. He dug through, pulling out bottles of dittany, rubbing alcohol, and Wiggenweld, as well as a clean cloth and a leather strap that was already adorned with teeth marks. Running his thumb over the indents, he tightened his jaw in frustration, "Bite this. We don't need you waking everyone up."

She did as told, taking the thick leather between her teeth. He got to work on the gouge, and on scolding her.

"It's the only think I ask of you," he laughed dryly, "The only thing I ask of Sebastian, too. To not go running into danger at all hours of the night. To keep you safe." He applied the alcohol drenched rag to the wound, causing y/n to arch away from him. He sighed again, interlacing his fingers of his free and with hers, "You need to let me do this, Y/n."

She nodded, relaxing as much as she physically could. He continued working, "Why is it you two constantly do this? Sebastian, I understand more. That hot head thrives for a fight. But you?" He reaches for the ditanny, beginning to smear it on the wound, "You're not like him, Y/n. You allow him to drag you into these things and one of these days you'll crawl in here, dying, and that daft bastard will be too wrapped up in adrenaline to notice."

The pain lessened, and Y/n dropped the leather from her mouth, "If all you are going to do is scold me, why even bother helping me?" She winced as he began cleaning the blood from around her closing wound, "And being with Sebastian is the safest option for me."

Ominis snapped his hand away, raising his voice, "No, Y/n. Staying in the castle would be the safest thing. Staying here, with me. You shouldn't be out doing all of these awful things with Sebastian. You should be with me. Instead you're out snogging Sebastian and almost getting yourself killed."

"Woah there, cowboy," Y/n furrows her brow, "For starters I can handle myself-"

Ominis snorts sarcastically, "Obviously."

She ignores him, "Second, why the bloody hell do you think I'd 'snog' Sebastian? That is literally the last person I'd ever- just ew. I can't even think about it."

Ominis visible relaxed, brows furrowing with confusion, "Wait. Sallow and you aren't... together?"

Y/n laughed, only slightly wincing at the diminishing pain, "Merlin, no. There isn't enough galleons in the world for me to do that."

He turned to face Y/n again, tone slightly accusatory, "I heard you talking to Imelda about, and I quote, 'the boy you fancy.' I know he's a Slytherin. I know he helps you, and he's almost always by your side. I also know he has a bad reputation and Natty thinks he will get you in trouble. Why are you lying to me?"

Y/n laughs loudly, leaning forward and placing her palms on either side of his face, squishing it slightly, "Your noseyness will get you in trouble one day, Gaunt. And that's true. I did say all of those things.

About you."

Ominis's eyes widened, and he slowly reached up to wrap his hold hands around hers, "Oh."

Y/n leaned forward, placing a gentle kiss on his forhead, "Yeah, 'oh.'" She got up, pulling away and heading toward her dorm despite his quiet protest, "Now, we will continue this conversation in the morning, Gaunt- preferably after I get some sleep and a shower. Good night."

She was gone before he could mutter the words, "I fancy you, too." Leaving him sitting in the pale watery moonlight, reeling and bewildered.

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