Dumb Idea (Ominis x Reader)

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Description: Ominis says in an argument with Sebastian that they don't know the Reader well enough to trust them. Sebastian comes up with an incredibly stupid idea to remedy that.

"Absolutely not," Ominis and Y/n spoke at once, the finality in their tone not bothering Sebastian one bit.

He lounged back on the couch, "I wasn't asking, I was telling." He glanced at each one of his friends, "I've heard it enough times from both of you that," he puts on a high pitched mocking tone for his next words, "'I barely know them, how can we trust them?'"

"There are better ways to get to know someone than getting drunk, Sebastian." Ominis rolled his eyes.

"Not to mention the Veritas Serum?" Y/n agrees, nodding furiously.

"If this were a normal situation, I'd allow you two to bond over tea or whatever it is you two would do," Sebastian sighs sadly, "But this isn't a normal situation. I need us all to trust each other. For Anne's sake, and for yours Y/n. Please. Do this one thing for me. For Anne."

Y/n looks into the deep hazel puppy dog eyes that are pleading with her, feeling a shift in her resolve. The boy had already prepared three flasks of firewhiskey laced with Veritas Serum.

Part of her supposed, even though this idea was reckless and idiotic, it would be a good way for them all to get to know each other and truly trust one another. She glanced over to Ominis and saw that he too looked about to give in.

"Oh for fucks sake," She rolled her eyes and reached out to grab an ornate golden flask, "Fine."

She took a swig, and looked to Sebastian expectantly. He grinned triumphantly, taking a sip from his own flask, "I feel like this will be fun too. Your turn, Gaunt."

Ominis sighed, but took the last flask as Y/n handed it to him, "I hate you both."

"Me too Ominis," Y/n chuckled, "Me too."


Only an hour later, the three were in an intense argument that started when one of them asked, "Whats your favorite magical beast?" None of them could tell you who asked it, but that was besides the point. The point was that Sebastian was arguing that Fwoopers are better than Nifflers, and that Ominis was insisting that Thestrals are better than either.

"Nifflers can rob people! That's literally free jewels and gold! All because you have a cute, cuddly little baby!" Y/n drunkenly shouted, arms flailing in the air.

"Fwoopers can drive people insane with just their song!" Sebastian shouted, jumping with the last three words, causing the couch he was standing on to creek.

"Thestrals aren't little thieves, nor will they drive you to madness if you forget to give them their tonic," Ominis chimed in from where he lounged sideways across his armchair.

"You can't even see Thestrals, dipshit," Sebastian rolled his eyes, "You've never seen anyone die."

Ominis snorted, waving his hand infront of his face sarcastically, "I can't see anything, 'dipshit'."

Sebastian turned red, and Y/n began laughing- a laugh which turned into a contagious cackle. They all fell into peels of laughter, and after they calmed, Y/n wiped the tears away from her eyes, "Fine, fine. Let's all agree that all magical beasts are pretty damn cool."

The boys agreed, and the trio sat in silence for a moment. A moment which Y/n took to study Ominis. He was rather cute when he was actually relaxed. Well, he was cute all the time... but him lounged back, messy hair, the top of his shirt unbuttoned and sleeves rolled up? Damn. He was attractive.

When her last thought left her mouth, she blushed, choosing to take a gulp of liquid courage to prepare herself for the incoming interaction. Ominis blushed, but smirked, "I'm sure I'd say the same about you, if I could see."

Ignoring the fact that the interaction between his friends was obviously extremely awkward, Sebastian sat up, visibly excited, "Touch her!"

Y/ns face transformed into a mask of mortification as she stared at her idiotic friend, "Sebastian Sallow I hardly think that's appropriate."

She appreciated the alcohol running through her at the moment, because if she felt mortified now... she shuttered to think what she'd feel sober.

Ominis too turned red, opening his mouth to protest, but Sebastian cut him off before words could leave him, "You two are perverted," he chuckles, "I meant touch her face, feel how she looks... although if you prefer the other meaning, I will gladly leave."

"Sebastian!" Ominis snapped, running a hand down his face, but turned his head towards Y/n, "If you would be okay with it, I would like to," he pauses, realizing that it sounded wrong, "Let me touch your face, that is!"

The boy mumbles something under his breath before he continues speaking, "It helps me get a mental image of what you look like, and-"

The girl chuckles, obviously recovering from her previous embarrassment, "Ominis, it's alright. Sure, if you'd like to."

She moves infront of his armchair, kneeling infront of him. Gently, she takes his cold slender hand and places it on her cheek.

He slowly and carefully let's his fingers explore. Sebastian adds information he knows his friend would want, "Her skin is rather (pale/tan/dark), her eyes are e/c, and her hair is h/c). She really is rather beautiful."

Ominis felt the skin of her cheeks heat as she blushed at Sebastians compliment, and she smiled. Ominis's finger tips lightly ran over her mouth and cheeks when she did so, and his own smile spread on his face, "I must say I agree with Sebastian, you are quite beautiful."

Her cheeks burned hotter as Ominis removed his hands from her, offering her a hand to help her stand back up.

She smiled, lowering herself to the ground further, spreading herself out on the carpet, "Thank you Ominis, but I think I'll just lay on the floor and die now."

Sebastian chuckled, "In my defense, I never would have admitted that if it weren't for the Veritas."

Ominis chuckled as he sat back, taking another drink, "I probably would have. It's not a sin to give people compliments."

Sebastian crossed his arms, "Meanwhile, I'm the only one here that hasn't been told they're handsome or pretty."

Y/n rolled her eyes, "You know damn well everyone thinks you're attractive."

Sebastian raises his eyebrows, tilting his flask toward the girl on the floor, "Ah, but it didn't kill you to say it now did it?"

There's a moment of silence as Sebastian stares at his friends, before he blurts out, "You two should go on a date."

Y/n blushes, "Sebastian, damn it."

Ominis too blushes, but chuckles, "No no, i actually like that idea... that is if you do as well."

Y/n beams at him, "That sounds amazing."


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