(James Potter x Reader)

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Description: On a day that seemed as boring as any other, you catch James Potter's eye.

Y/H- your house

You weren't by any means a quiet person, but compared to the riff raff that normally filled these halls, you usually went by unnoticed. You kept your head down, doing your work and minding your own business.

This is why, when Severus Snape was found temporarily paralyzed in the hallway with his pants around his ankles, nobody suspected you.

Other than Remus Lupin, who you had approached to teach you Petrificus Totalus only a few days ago.

"That little minx," Remus's voice was filled with surprise and awe. He stared down the hall- past the crowd of spectators Severus's misfortune- to where you were perched on a window ledge pretending to read. "Look at that little smirk."

"Mate, what are you looking at?" James guffawed at Severus, "You should be looking at this git! Godric, I could kiss whoever did this."

"Well, I think I could help you with that," Remus said, eyes never leaving you, "Because I'm looking at the girl who did it."

James's head shot up, swiveling to follow Remus's line of sight. He saw you their curled onto the large window sill, high enough to see passed the growing crowd. To top few buttons of your shirt were undone, exposing a black undershirt, and y/h colored tie was tied very loosely around your neck. Shorts peaked out from underneath your plaid skirt, which was probably a good thing to wear considering your relaxed position.

You had almost seemed entirely disinterested in the situation, if not for the tell tale smirk playing on your lips. Feeling eyes on you, you glanced up from your book at Remus and James. You winked, more so at Remus in a 'our secret' type of gesture, before turning back to your book.

"Nah, mate. You've gotta be mistaken. What makes you think she did it?" James shook his head, hoping the blush on his cheeks wasn't too apparent.

"Because I taught her that spell." Remus said.

"So what? Alot of people know that spell. Just because you taught her it at some point-," James begins

"On Wednesday."

"What?" James asked, taken aback at being cut off.

"I taught her the spell on Wednesday. After she had it down she walked away mumbling, 'Call me a mudblood again Snivelous. I dare you.'"

James stared at Remus, mouth slightly agape, "Well I'll be damned."

James turned to look at you again, but you were gone from your perch. Any sign of you and your book was gone, and the only living thing in the area was one of the school cats swaggering out the door. It only took him a moment to realize why, because McGonagall voice rang through the corridor, "Move along! Clear the hallway!"

After that day in the corridor, James realized that you were around alot- it just seems that for some reason he hadn't noticed.

"What is she doing here?" James gawked as you approached the Mauraders at their spot at the black lake.

"I invited her," Remus said.

"Why?" Peter asked.

"So James over here would stop staring and actually talk to her."

"I do not stare!" James hissed, hoping you wouldn't hear as you grew closer.

"You do." Peter, Sirius, and Remus spoke simultaneously causing James to dramatically slump backwards into the grass.

"Hey Remus!" You smile at the boy, who grins back.

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