Escape Artist

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Description: The Irondale Pilferer got out of the Vivarium. Chaos ensues.

Warning: Language, kinda.


  My gentle footsteps ring through the
cold dark hallways, the stone structure causing what should be silent steps to echo and magnify.

Merlin's beard, I'm as loud as a troll. There's no way I won't be caught before I find that little bastard.

I pause for a second, not undoing my disillusionment charm, point my wand to my feet and whisper, "Quiteus."

I hold my breath and tap my foot against the floor, hoping it would work. To my relief, it did.

Now where did that little shit get to?

I had already worked my way toward the Great Hall following the little, albeit scarce, piles of gold coins.

Maybe it was because i was looking for the piles of coins and my little escaped friend that I hadn't noticed the slight displacement of the light intront of me.

"Ouch!" I hissed as I ran into something rather solid.

"Oof!" Someone exhaled at the same time. I felt something grab my arm and pull me into one of the small storage rooms that litter the castle.

To my relief, Sebastian appeared in front of me with a small whoosh noise. Following his lead, I undid my disillusionment charm.

"Do I even want to know why you are sneaking about the castle at this time of night?" Sebastian asked, crossing his arms. It's times like this I could wipe that smug smile off of his face.

"I could as you the same thing Sallow. But judging by your bulging robe pockets, something tells me you've been visiting the kitchens again." I rolls my eyes.

"Very astute, I see your observation skills haven't dwindled since last I saw you."

"Sebastian," I huff with an air of impatience, "That was only like, three hours ago? Now, in your little foray down to the kitchen, did you happen to see a theiving, chunky little ball of thief?"

His eyes widen slightly with a bit of a laugh, "Shit, did one of the Nifflers get out?"

"Indeed. Piffles managed to breach containment somehow. I was woke up about 45 minutes ago by Deek standing at the side of my bed, two inches from my face. Apparently he was doing a chore in the hall when the little bastard ran past him."

Sebastian lifts his want, casting the disillusionment charm after speaking, "Well, we better find him before one of the Professors do. Or worse, Peeves."


A/N: I saw a tiktok that kinda inspired this. Should I do a part 2?

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