To Love and Have Lost (Cedric Diggory x Reader)

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Description: I think you already know...

Warnings: probably really damn sad. But our Fandom survives off of sorrow and angst.


One year.

One year ago, you and your life long best friend admitted that at some point along the way, you had fallen madly in love with each other.

You didn't know this, but he was the first to realize just how deep he was when it came to you. Your mother worked with Amos Diggory at the Ministry of Magic, so when you and Cedric were born only months apart, the natural course of action was to introduce the two of you.

From diapers you two grew up together. From bickering and playing as toddlers, to being sorted together in Hufflepuff, the two of you were never apart for long. It was during your second year when you had started to spend alot of time with the Weasley twins that Cedric realized just how much you meant to him. And just how much he wanted you by his side forever.

You on the other hand, were more stubborn with your feelings. You felt that spark within you when he laughed or glanced your direction- you just refused to acknowledge it. It took him flirting with Cho Chang at the end of your 4th year for your pent up jealousy to explode.

He was leaning against the wall, smirking and speaking quietly to Cho. Her intermittent giggles wearing your patience down to the bone, when you finally couldn't handle it anymore.

You stormed past, not even pausing yo look as you grabbed onto Cedrics ear and dragged him away from the girl and the wall. The only acknowledgement you afforded Cho was a quick, "Sorry Chang, emergency conference. You can have pretty boy back later."

You pulled the protesting boy into a quiet section of the corridor, whipping around to face him.

"The bloody hell was that for?!" He whines, rubbing his now angrily red ear.

"'The bloody hell was that for," You mocked, "That's exactly what I should be asking you!"

Cedric was clearly confused, but up in arms over being shouted at, "What did I even do?!"

You began to pace, a half laugh- half scoff leaving your mouth, "What did you do? I can't stand seeing you flirt with every girl that looks your way. Ever since you've beat the 'famous boy who lived'," you mock the voice people seemed to use when addressing Harry Potter, "You think you're hot shit, don't you? And Cho Chang. CHO CHANG. The enemy! The Ravenclaw Seeker! You disgust me."

Cedric watched as you paced, anger still brimming- yet there was a traced of an amused look about him, "Y/n
L/n, are you jealous of Cho Chang?"

You scoffed, "Of course I am, she's smart, gorgeous, talented- and I'm just me. How do you think it feels?"

"Well to be honest, I didn't think you'd really care since you're always off with the Weasley Twins. I'm sure they give you enough attention," Cedric sneered.

You laughed, and even you weren't sure if it was out of disgust or amusement, "You really think- Merlin's sake Ced. You're even denser than I originally thought. I wouldn't let them touch me if they tried, which they most certainly haven't. There's only one person that I've fell for in my entire life, and everyday I'm forced to watch him galivanting around flirting with the likes of Cho Freaking Chan."

He was closer to you now, stopping your pacing and cornering you to the wall. He wasn't touching you, but was mere centimeters away from doing so, "Yeah, well the girl I've loved since second year is constantly being paraded around by the Weasleys of all people."

Your breath hitched in your throat as you took in the situation. It was happening, finally. It was really happening. You looked up at him, suddenly breathless, "Why didn't you say something, Cedric?"

"I suppose I just did," he chuckles under his breath before tilting your chin up and kissing you.

That was a year ago. Today was the final Tri Wizard Trial. You had watched your love outwit a dragon- albeit getting pretty messed up in the process. You've been charmed into a magical sleep and placed deep within the black lake, and now it was the last trial. The maze.

You were so proud of him, words couldn't even begin to explain how you felt. You had turned 17 not too long after him, but had refused to put your name in the Goblet of Fire. You weren't one for public acts of bravery or whatever.

After the two of you had become official, you became even more inseparable. Even know you were young, and you can acknowledge that, the two of you planned on marriage shortly after graduation.

You watched, nervously twisting the golden promise ring on your finger. One by one, Fleur and Krum were taken from within the maze.

You had been nervous, how could you not be?

...but this was taking too long. Surely Potter or Cedric would have gotten to the port key by now, right?

You had been standing to go find Hermione and Ron, when there was a loud clap. Harry and Cedric were back!

Professor Flitwick began conducting the band, the music and cheers flowing loudly through the air. Already standing, you ran down the bleachers. As your feet touched the grass though, the music and cheers went silent. Atleast, they did to you, as the only sound was the rush of blood through your head. The world began to spin, and you stumbled forward.

Cedrics eyes had been on you as his head lulled to the side. His once brilliant shining eyes holding nothing.

It can't be. No. He just got knocked out... right.

As you approached, you noticed Cedrics mouth gaping open, his eyes unfocused. You fell to your knees at his side.

All at once, three sounds hit your ears, all as equally awful as the next. Harry's wails as he held on to Cedric, Amos's shouts of, 'My boy, that's my boy!', and your own guttural, heart piercing screams.

As Harry was pulled away by Professor Moody, you pulled your love into your arms. He was already beginning to grow cold.

"What happened," You wailed, "What the fuck happened?"

That's the only phrase that left your mouth between piercing sobs. Amos was at your side, holding both you and Cedric.

The world was spinning, nothing but a swirl of blurring colors around you. The only thing in focus was his pale, beautiful face. The eyes that once held nothing but love and adoration, not blank as they stared through you.

You wouldn't have noticed that someone was pulling you away, the only reason that you realized I through your sorrow and panic was that Cedrics face was growing more distant in the swirling mass.

People were screaming around you, you noticed. There was panic. Someone lifted you into their arms... someone large.

"Come on little puffskien," Hagrids voice was gentle, a sharp contrast through the cacophony of the night, "Let's get you to Madam Pomfrey, yeah?"

A/n: Yeah... sorry. Also, why the hell are bleachers called bleachers. It doesn't sound like a word anymore. Bleeeeeeaaaachers.

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