Sick Day

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Would you be able to do a Hogwarts imagine of the boys getting sick but still trying to push through the school day, but by the end of it, MC scolds them and spends the rest of the day taking care of them?


-MC Pov-

     "Did you even hear a word I said?" Natty's voice cuts through the fog in my brain.

Shit, I didn't even realize she was talking to me. "Uh, honestly? No. I was a bit distracted."

I watch as her eyes cut across the Charms classroom to where I had previously been staring. The moment her eyes hit their target, I saw them widen with concern.

Across the room, Sebastian and Ominis sat, looking rather worse for wear. Sebastian was sweating bullets and occasionally dabbing his nose with a handkerchief, I actually thing he was trying to be sneaky about it. Meanwhile Ominis looked like a ghost. I really didn't think it possible for him to be any paler, but I guess Merlin wished to prove me wrong. He shivered rather uncontrollably.

"Merlins beard, MC." Natty whispered, "They look like inferi."

"Let me go talk to Professor Ronen, I'm sure he'll let me drag them to the hospital ward." I stood, feeling a few eyes flickering towards me from classmates who were supposed to be reading.

Among the wandering eyes were Sebastians, which very quickly developed a look kin to a scolded puppy.

-Sebastians POV-

I watch in silent horror as MC stands, making eye contact, "Ominis. Were busted."

Ominis, who is hugging his robe to himself slightly shakes his read through his shivers, "She's not the teacher, it's not like she can make us leave."

I wipe my nose, temporarily finding comfort in Ominis' reasoning. That is, until, I notice her speaking to Professor Ronen, who's eyes meet mine and widen a bit. He looks back at MC, nodding furiously.

"We overestimated our dear friend it seems," I whisper to Ominis, who in turn curses under his breath.


I walk over to the boys, who suddenly are sitting up right, attempting to act like everything is just fine.

I raise an eyebrow, "Boys, you should come with me."

Sebastian, in the stuffiest voice I've ever heard in my life, croaks out a, "We are fine."

I lean in closer to them across their desk, "You either get up, or I will float your asses out of this room. Ronen already gave me the go ahead. Actually, he offered me extra credit points to do so. It's your choices, really."

Ominis stands straight up, wand out, and heads out the door. Sebastian reluctantly stands, throwing a glare to Professor Ronen, who in turn giggles and waves.

Once into the hallway, I lay into them, "You two are obviously sick as a Dugbog! I literally looked healthier after being hit by the crucitis curse! Why in Merlins' name are you not with Nurse Blainey?" The boys lean slightly away from my tirade.

Ominis cringes, holding a hand to his temple, "Merlins beard MC, we just didn't want to miss class. And could you keep your voice down."

I grab each of their hands, pulling them over to the nearest floo powder station, and send the three of us to the hospital ward.

After one of the aides rushes the two to the nearest cots, I plop down in the chair between them, sighing. "You boys know I'd help you to catch up. Don't be silly like this again. Your health is too important. You are too important. I care about you boy. Nextt time you are sick, let me help you. Okay?"

Ominis pulls his blanket up to his chin with a half hearted smile, and Sebastian smirks, "Did you hear tha,  Omi? She just admitted that she cares about us!"

Request  by anon on Tumblr.

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