Not the Best Idea (Part 1)

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Description: One day in seventh year, while MC is away dealing with the Ministry of Magic, Poppy gets news of a band of poachers that have recently caged a nearby unicorn. With MC busy, Poppy figures the friend group could handle this mini mission by themselves... She may have been incorrect.


If you squinted, you have spotted the group of four shadows darting in between the trees of the Forbidden Forest. A muscular, broad-shoulder boy took up the back of the group, brunette hair a fluffy mess, white dress shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows, green tie loosened around his neck. Sebastian Sallow.

Ahead of Sebastian darted a tall lanky redhead, who honestly looked way to happy to be involved in such a situation. This being Garreth Weasley. Following the leader a averagely tall girl, who's seething anger quite literally radiated from her like steam. Natsai Onai.

Finally in the front the odd quartet, leading valiantly is Poppy Sweeting, who's short brown hair was pulled half up, white button up shirt unbuttoned on the top, sleeves rolled and yellow tie tucked into her pocket. 

     As the group crouched on the slight cliff, looking down to the firefly filled hollow where the majestic unicorn once frolicked freely, Garreth whispered, "I don't know about this guys. Maybe Ominis was right. We should wait for MC to come back. I'm sure MC could handle this super easily. I mean there's," he pauses to quickly count, "like nine poachers down there."

    "Don't be a coward Weasley," Natty hissed, "That poor thing might not even make it passed the hour if we don't stop them. We do not know how long MC will be at the Ministry."

   Sebastian smiled cockily, cracking his knuckles and neck, "Natty has a hell of a point. Besides, its been a while since I got the chance to kick someones ass. MC and Ominis never let me have any fun." 

Poppy cast a quick concerned look over her shoulder at Sebastian, then thinking better of telling him to control himself turns to the redhead, "Did you bring the potions I asked you to?"

Garreth smiled, pulling four vials containing a vibrant red liquid, "I am nothing if not a man of my word my dear Poppy. Four Maxima potions as requested."

The for each take a vial, which following Sebastians guide they clink together in a toast, and shoot down like a shot. Sebastians fist glows red with a power that reflects into his hazel eyes, whooping out a cry of, "Let's freaking do this!" And jumping off of the drop off, straight into the middle of the poacher camp.


-MC's POV-

I. Was. Seething.

I had just gotten back from the Ministry when Ominis practically tackled me, telling me our friends brilliant plan of freeing a unicorn from poachers. According to him, they had 2 hours ago.It didn't take me long to reach the court yard where I quickly summoned my broom and shot off to the Forbidden Forest. 

I landed near the location that Ominis had relayed to me, and the hair on the back of my neck stood on end. An unfamiliar voice, Crucio. And screams. Poppy's screams. The ancient magic sparked blue around my fists as I dashed to an embankment that overlooked the camp. Below, Garreth lay unmoving on the ground, Natty and Sebastian tied to chairs facing back to back. Natty was spitting insults to the surrounding poachers, and Sebastian stared blankly ahead in my direction, face bruised and blood dripping down his nose. 

And Poppy, oh poor sweet Poppy. She was writhing on the ground, screaming uncontrollably. All the hair on my body began to stand, a blue glow taking over my vision as the air filled with the static of raw, pure energy.


-Sebastians POV-

I'm unsure how we got to this point, really. It was going swimmingly, we had taken out all of the Poachers and were working to unlock the cage when 5 more poachers materialized behind us. We didn't have time to truly react. One moment we were working to free the unicorn,  the next thing I know is I am on the ground, head pounding with the metallic taste of blood filling my mouth. One of the poachers was kicking me. Things began to flash black, my awareness coming to me in flashes.

     "Depulso", Garreth's body goes flying, his back hitting the rock cliff face, and slumps unmoving to the ground.


Natty is fighting.


I'm in a chair. My hands are tied.


Poppy is screaming. They're killing her. 


   A feeling of buzzing electricity brings me back to consciousness. Natty is spewing insults, Poppy is screaming, the poachers are laughing. Does no one feel the shift in the air? My eyes trail up the embankment, where the most beautiful sight stands. Our savior has showed up, standing above us like a guardian angel. Raw blue power filled out the space around them, their hair floating above their head as if they were under water. There eyes glowed a piercing blue white, the static in the air intensifying with each second that passed. 

I began laughing like a lunatic. MC was here. And boy, they. were. pissed.


A/N: Don't worry, there will be a part two. Even though no-one asked for it. Requests are open ofc.

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